Configure the StarTeam Web Server

This topic describes additional configurations for the StarTeam Web Server.

Enabling SSL using a certificate

To enable the Secure Socket Layer (SSL), you must have a valid certificate. Once you have a certificate, proceed to enable SSL.

To enable SSL:

  1. Edit the <Install Directory>/apache-tomcat-[version]/conf/server.xml file in the following ways.

    1. Comment out the following xml block to disable the standard http access:
      <Connector port="8080" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
           maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
           enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
           connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />
    2. Uncomment the following xml block to enable https access and add the attributes:
      <Connector port="8443" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
          maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
          enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"
          acceptCount="100" scheme="https" secure="true"
          keystoreFile="<path to certificate>" and keystorePass="<password>"
          clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />
  2. Start the StarTeam Web Server and direct users to https://<hostname>:8080/StarTeam is the name of the computer where the StarTeam Web Server is running. When typing the hostname, do not use the angle brackets.

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Changing the memory allocated to the StarTeam Web Server

The amount of memory the StarTeam Web Server consumes, directly affects the amount of StarTeam views that can be supported on the StarTeam Web Server. To increase the memory provided to the StarTeam Web Server in order to support larger StarTeam configurations, the Administrator should perform the following steps before starting the StarTeam Web Server.

  1. Navigate to the file setenv.bat located in /apache-tomcat-[version]/bin in the installation folder.
  2. Increase the JAVA_OPTS=-Xmxvalue. value is the maximum size, in bytes, of the memory allocation pool. This value must be a multiple of 1024 greater than 2MB. You can append the letter k or K to indicate kilobytes, or m or M to indicate megabytes. For example, the value can appears as -Xmx83886080, -Xmx81920k, or -Xmx80m.

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Setting the log output level

The logging level that the StarTeam Web Server uses when updating the log files in the directory /apache-tomcat-[version]/logs is specified in the file /apache-tomcat-[version]/shared/classes/ in the installation folder. The following levels can be set in the file.

  • OFF
  • INFO (default)
  • FINE
  • ALL

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Running Apache Tomcat Native

The StarTeam Web Server does not ship with the library tcnative-1.dll for running Apache Tomcat Native. (Testing of the StarTeam Web Server on the supported platform did not show any benefit to running the StarTeam Web Server with native enabled.)

If you need to run the StarTeam Web Server with native enabled, download the 64-bit library tcnative-1.dll file from the Apache Software Foundation web site at Place the file in the installation folder /apache-tomcat-[version]/shared/lib, and restart the StarTeam Web Server.

Note: When downloading the file tcnative-1.dll, make sure to download the version of the file that matches your 64-bit architecture (AMD64 or Intel IA64) and Internet Protocol (IPv4 or IPv6).

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