Property Control Attributes

This topic describes the property controls found in the Tools Palette and the attribute values that you can edit for these controls.

Static Text Control

The static text control is unique in that it can be either a property or non-property control. As a property control, it displays the value of a property without allowing the user to make changes. As a non-property control, it can be used to display a line of text on the form.



Leave blank for property controls, the caption will display the value of the selected property. If you opt to display a caption this will essentially work as a Label.

Text Align

(optional) Determines the alignment of displayed text (left or right).

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Radioset Control

Use the radio set control to display a small number of mutually exclusive choices.


Text Align

(optional) The alignment of all radio buttons and text within the radio set. Left specifies that text is left aligned and the button is drawn to the left of the text. Right specifies that text is right aligned and the button is drawn to the right of the text. The default is left.


(optional) The number of button rows in the radio set.


(optional) The number of button columns in the radio set.

Horizontal Align

(optional) The horizontal alignment of radio buttons within the group (left or right).

Vertical Align

(optional) The vertical alignment of radio buttons within the group (top, middle, or bottom).


(optional) The border style for the control’s bounding box (solid, etched, or none). The default is solid.


Descriptive text for the control. Entering a value, will replace the control name with the caption in the Form Layout Area.

Label Position

The location of caption text.

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Check Box Control

Use the Check Box control as a toggle or yes/no control.


Checked State

The value of the property when the check box is in the checked state.

Unchecked State

The value of the property when the check box is in the unchecked state.


(optional) Descriptive text for the control.

Text Align

(optional) The position and alignment of caption text. If text-align is left, then the text is left aligned and the check box is drawn to the left of the text. If text-align is right, then the text is right aligned and the check box is drawn to the right of the text. By default, left alignment is assumed.

Tab Index

(optional) The relative position of the control as the user moves from one control to another using the Tab key.

Access Key

(optional) A single character to be used in conjunction with the Alt key to bring focus to the field. The character must exist within the caption text; it will appear underlined in the caption. Additionally, each access key on a tab must be unique.

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Text Field Control

The Text Field control provides a single-line text input area. Use this control for short comments and for data that the user must enter in the system. The Text Field control is just an empty box into which the user can input text; there is no caption, label, or other descriptive text built into this control. You must, therefore, create an associated Label control to label the contents of the field and to provide a target for an access key.



(optional) Whether the control is allowed to span more than one line (yes for text field controls).

Text Align

(optional) The alignment of text within the control (left or right).

Tab Index

(optional) The relative position of the control as the user moves from one control to another using the Tab key.

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Text Area Control

The Text Area control provides a multiline text input area, useful for large blocks of text. The Text Area control is just an empty box into which the user can input text; there is no caption, label, or other descriptive text built into this control. You must, therefore, create an associated Label control to label the contents of the field and to provide a target for an access key.



(optional) Whether the control is allowed to span more than one line (yes for text area controls).

Text Align

(optional) The alignment of text within the control (left or right).

Tab Index

(optional) The relative position of the control as the user moves from one control to another using the Tab key.

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Combo Box Control

The Combo Box control provides a list control with a single-line footprint. The Combo Box control is just an empty box in which a list is displayed; there is no caption, label, or other descriptive text built into this control. You must, therefore, create an associated Label control to label the contents of the field and to provide a target for an access key.


Height Extended

The vertical measurement of the extended list in platform-independent dialog units. The default is 100.


(optional) Whether to sort the list alphabetically (yes or no). The default is no.

Tab Index

(optional) The relative position of the control as the user moves from one control to another using the Tab key.

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List Control

The List control displays a multiline list of values. The List control is just an empty box in which a list is displayed; there is no caption, label, or other descriptive text built into this control. You must, therefore, create an associated Label control to label the contents of the field and to provide a target for an access key.



(optional) Whether to sort the list alphabetically (yes or no). The default is no.

Tab Index

(optional) The relative position of the control as the user moves from one control to another using the Tab key.

Time Control

The Time control displays time/date-related properties.

You can edit the following value:

Tab Index

(optional) The relative position of the control as the user moves from one control to another using the Tab key.

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Browse Button Control

The Browse Button control provides the option to browse files (inserting the resultant full path and filename into an associated text control), browse folders (inserting the resultant full path into an associated text control), or run a command. Before you create a browse button, you must first create a text field in which to store the resultant path. Associating the text field and the browse button with the same property instructs the system to enter the browse button results into that field. Before you create a run command button, the command must already exist and its full path and executable name must be associated with a property (such as the Test Command property).



(optional) Descriptive text for the control. By default, browse buttons display ellipsis and run command buttons display Run as caption text.

Tab Index

(optional) The relative position of the control as the user moves from one control to another using the Tab key.

Access Key

(optional) A single character to be used in conjunction with the Alt key to bring focus to the button. The character must exist within the caption text; it will appear underlined in the caption. Additionally, each access key on a tab must be unique.

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