<checkbox> represents a checkbox in the properties dialogs.
The attributes for this element are described below:
name |
Unique ID for this control. |
property |
The internal name of the associated item property. Currently, this must be a text-valued property. |
checked |
The value of the property represented by the checked state. |
unchecked |
The value of the property represented by the unchecked state. |
top |
Top-most Y coordinate. |
left |
Left-most X coordinate. |
width |
Width of the control. |
height |
Height of the control. |
caption |
(optional) A static text string to be displayed in the button. If no caption is provided, thenBrowse is used. |
text-align |
(optional) Text alignment: left or right. By default, left alignment is assumed. |
tabindex |
(optional) The tab order of this control in the dialog page. |
Accesskey |
(optional) A character to be used as the keyboard accelerator for this button. For example, if accesskey=“x”, then pressing alt+x will set focus to the button, and invoke the dialog box. The accesskey character must appear in the caption of the button, otherwise, it is ignored. The character is drawn underlined. |
tooltip |
(optional) A static text string to be displayed as the tool tip mouse over help for this control. If no tooltip is specified, then no mouse over help is displayed. |