Install licenses

This topic describes how to install the StarTeam licenses.

Set up license servers

You have a choice between using the AutoPass License Server and the native StarTeam licensing found in this and earlier releases. Starting from 17.3, Borland and Flex License Server are no longer supported. This section explains the steps the administrator follows to set up a license server.

To set up a license server:

Note: If you use the AutoPass License Server, users must use their network logon names as their StarTeam user names.

  1. As the StarTeam administrator, you should receive licensing information (a sales representative should put this in motion).
  2. Install the license server (the license server documentation explains how to do this).
  3. Save the license files. This involves accessing a OpenText web site and downloading OpenText license files.
  4. Place the license files in the AutoPass\licenses folder, a subdirectory of the StarTeam Server <version> installation folder.
  5. Configure the license server for users (this is covered in the license server documentation).
  6. Use the Server Administration tool to assign users to specific licenses by setting the license options. For details, see Register a native license with the server administration tool.

When StarTeam Server starts, it checks for license files and stores information about them in memory. It does not recognize new licenses until the next restart.

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Register a native license with the server administration tool

  1. Click Start > Programs > Micro Focus > StarTeam Server <version> > StarTeam Server .

    The Server Administration Tool opens.
  2. Choose Help > About. The About StarTeam Server dialog box appears.
  3. Select the License item in the left pane.
  4. If you have yet to enter a license, you must delete the evaluation key by selecting it from the right pane of the dialog and clicking Delete.
  5. Click Register. The Server Registration dialog box opens.
  6. Type the correct numbers in the Serial Number and Access Key fields.

    Note: Serial numbers are case-sensitive, access keys are not.

  7. Click OK.

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Register a native license at the command prompt

  1. Open a command prompt, and navigate to the home installation folder for StarTeam Server. For example:
    C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\StarTeam Server <version>
  2. At a command prompt type:
    starteamserver -serial number -access key

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