Starting and stopping server configurations

You can start a server configuration using the Server Administration tool or from the command prompt using the starteamserver command. You can also run the server configuration as a Microsoft Windows service.

Starting and stopping using the Server Administration tool

This table describes how to start and stop server configurations using the Server Administration tool.

Action Procedure
Starting and logging in
  1. Open the Server Administration tool and select the server configuration.

    Note: You must access the Server Administration tool on the computer where the StarTeam Server is installed.

  2. Click GUID-BC1D0DC3-0F91-4060-8FE8-893FA23BB689-low.gif (Start Server). The server configuration begins its startup operation. The first time you start a new server configuration, the StarTeam Server performs several startup tasks. It creates and initializes the database to be used by the server configuration, installs the stored procedures for that database type, and creates the repository folders and the hive used by the configuration. This process may take several minutes.

    Note: The StarTeam Server uses TCP/IP port 49201 as the default starting port for the server configuration.

  3. After the server configuration finishes its startup procedure, the status icon to the left of the server configuration changes to GUID-BC1D0DC3-0F91-4060-8FE8-893FA23BB689-low.gif (Running).
  4. Login to the server configuration by performing any menu/toolbar commands. The Log On dialog box opens.
  5. Type the User name and Password.

    Tip: Unless it has been changed or deleted by a server administrator, a default username/password, Administrator/Administrator, exists for every server configuration. To login as a different user, click Actions > Logon As

Start with alternate configuration options
  1. Open the Server Administration tool and select the server configuration.

    Note: You must access the Server Administration tool on the computer where the StarTeam Server is installed.

  2. Click GUID-BC1D0DC3-0F91-4060-8FE8-893FA23BB689-low.gif (Start With Override). The Start With Override dialog box opens.
  3. Modify the fields as appropriate and click OK. The server configuration information in the starteam-server-configs.xml file is update accordingly. If you are already using the default endpoint (49201) for another server configuration, the first time you start a new configuration you may want to use an override for the endpoint. This action sets the endpoint to the one that you will want to use in the future.

    Note: You can override certain server configuration values with the -restart option.

Shut down
  1. Open the Server Administration tool and select the server configuration.

    Note: You must access the Server Administration tool on the computer where the StarTeam Server is installed.

  2. Click GUID-BC1D0DC3-0F91-4060-8FE8-893FA23BB689-low.gif (Shut Down Server). This opens the Server Shutdown dialog box which displays a message asking you to confirm that you want to shut down the server configuration.
  3. Click Yes.

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Starting and stopping using the command line

This table describes how to start and stop server configurations using the command line.

Action Procedure
Starting and logging in
  1. Open a command prompt window and navigate to the installation folder of the StarTeam Server.
  2. Type the following at the command prompt:
    starteamserver -start "ConfigurationName"

    Note: You can also start a server configuration to override the defined values using:

    starteamserver -start "ConfigurationName" [options]

Although you do not need to shut down a server configuration to perform a backup, you may need to do so to perform other maintenance tasks.

Note: If you have an Enterprise Advantage license and if you are running the StarTeam Server as a service and the Notification Agent as a dependent service, you cannot shut down the server configuration unless the Notification Agent service is shut down first.

Shut down
  1. Open a command prompt window and navigate to the installation folder of the StarTeam Server.
  2. Type the following at the command prompt:
    starteamserver -stop "ConfigurationName"

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Starting and stopping running server configuration as a Windows service

This section describes how to set up, run, and shut down a server configuration as a Windows service.

To set up a server configuration to run as a Windows service:

  1. Open the Server Administration tool and select the server configuration.

    Note: You must access the Server Administration tool on the computer where the StarTeam Server is installed.

  2. If the server configuration is running, click GUID-BC1D0DC3-0F91-4060-8FE8-893FA23BB689-low.gif (Shut Down Server).

    Note: A configuration cannot be set to run as a Microsoft Windows service if the server includes a remote hive using a mapped drive.

  3. Click GUID-BC1D0DC3-0F91-4060-8FE8-893FA23BB689-low.gif (Set to Run As Service). The Log On Service As dialog box opens.
  4. Check Local System account to use the local system account, or to use a specific user account, do the following:

    1. Clear the Local System account check box.
    2. Type an account name. The usual format is DomainName\UserName. If the account belongs to a built-in domain, you can use .\UserName.

The next time you start the server configuration or restart your computer, the server configuration will run as a Microsoft Windows service.

To shut down a server configuration running as a Windows service:

  1. Open the Server Administration tool and select the server configuration.

    Note: You must access the Server Administration tool on the computer where the StarTeam Server is installed.

  2. If the server configuration is running, click GUID-BC1D0DC3-0F91-4060-8FE8-893FA23BB689-low.gif (Shut Down Server).

    Note: A configuration cannot be set to run as a Microsoft Windows service if the server includes a remote hive using a mapped drive.

  3. Click GUID-BC1D0DC3-0F91-4060-8FE8-893FA23BB689-low.gif (Set to Run As Service).
    The server configuration will no longer run as a service.

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Troubleshooting a server configuration running as a Windows service

This section describes how to troubleshoot a server configuration that is running as a Windows service.

To determine whether a server configuration is running as a Windows service, locate the server name in the left panel of the Server Administration tool. Beside the name, an icon indicates whether the server is enabled and/or running as a service.

If you want to discontinue running a server configuration as a service, you must first stop the server configuration, and then remove the service using the Server Administration tool as described above.

In addition, you can view the events log to try and understand an issue.

To view the log in order to troubleshoot the events:

  1. From the computer on which StarTeam Server is installed, select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer from the Windows Start Menu. The Event Viewer opens.
  2. Click the Application node. The log information displays in the right pane of the Event Viewer.
  3. Double-click the log entry to view the Event Properties dialog box.

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