There are several reasons for the search indexing service to fail to work correctly:
- Search indexing logs can be found under <Server installation folder>\WebServer\logs\starteam-search.log. If search indexing fails for any reason, the logs should contain error messages detailing the possible issues. To turn on debug mode logging, edit the log levels in <Server installation folder>\Search\config\starteam-search-configs.xml to DEBUG instead of INFO. <level value="INFO"/>
- The search indexing process could fail due to database connectivity issues. There is a known issue while working on StarTeam Server using a SQL Server express edition database. When using SQL Configuration manager, make sure that the TCP/IP protocol has been enabled and SQL Browser service is running. If SQL Server express was installed along with StarTeam Server, these are enabled by default. If it was installed separately , these settings are disabled by default.
- Search indexes can consume a lot of disk space depending on the size of the configuration. The search indexes are usually located under <repository Folder>/searchIndex directory. This can be configured in the search configuration file. <option name="SearchIndexPath" value="C:\repository\Test\searchIndex"/>. Doing a trial run on a test server with a replicated database and vault should give an idea of the required disk space for index files.
- Search indexing services perform better when MPX is enabled on the StarTeam Server. The service is notified of any changes on the StarTeam Server using MPX events during delta-mode indexing. Without MPX, the search service would work but would query the database more often leading to potential performance issues. By default, the indexing process looks out for changes every 30 minutes. This is defined in starteam-search-configs.xml and can be edited if required to a larger value, for example thirty minutes, which means new changes will be available to search only after thirty minutes. <option name="ExtractDeltaInterval" value="3"/>
- Restarting the tomcat service StarTeamSearchWebService<version #> could sometimes resolve issues related to memory issues. It is also recommended that if StarTeam Server/Message Broker is restarted, the tomcat service StarTeamSearchWebService<version #> should also be restarted.