Working with common logs

This topic describes common logs and how to work with them.

Viewing a log

You can view the contents of the server log file at any time, even while the server configuration is running. To see the entire file, use Notepad, WordPad, or another text editor to display it. To determine the location of a server log file from the Server Administration tool:

  1. Open the Server Administration tool. If you are using the Server Administration tool installed with the client, you can administer remote servers only.
  2. Select the appropriate server configuration from the list of servers. If you have not yet logged on, you will be asked to do so.
  3. Click the Configure Server shortcut or Tools > Administration > Configure Server. These actions display the Configure Server dialog box.
  4. Look at the top of the General tab to find the location of the log file.
To review the contents of a server log file
  1. Open the Server Administration tool. If you are using the Server Administration tool installed with the client, you can administer remote servers only.
  2. Select the appropriate server configuration from the list of servers. If you have not yet logged on, you will be asked to do so.
  3. Click the Server Log shortcut or Tools Administration Server Log. These actions display the Server Log contents.
    The format provides a line number, code, date and time, and message. The code numbers are arbitrarily assigned and not necessarily in order of severity. They represent the following:
    00000001 Message
    00000002 Warning
    00000004 Error
    00000008 Unexpected Condition
  4. To display only the errors in the log, select the Errors Only check box.
  5. To review the most recent entries, click Reload.

On Windows systems, you can copy data from the log window to the Windows clipboard. From the clipboard, you can paste the data into other applications, such as Microsoft Word or Notepad.

To copy data from the server log
  1. From the Server Administration tool, click the Accounts bar in the lower left pane and select the Server Log Shortcut.
  2. Select the data that you want to copy.
  3. Press Ctrl + C
  4. Click OK to exit the dialog.
  5. Using Ctrl + V, paste the information into a text editor or word processing application.
  6. Click File > Print from the menu to print the data.

Any users in the System Managers group, a default, will receive email when an error is logged in the server log. This group is initially empty.

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The StarTeam.Log file records the operations performed on your client workstation during a session. It helps you troubleshoot and document errors or operations between the server and your workstation that failed during server configuration sessions. The file may contain commands sent by your workstation to a server configuration when you open and work with a project, commands performed locally on your workstation, error messages generated while using the application, or events performed by StarTeamMPX.

Every time you start your client, the system creates a StarTeam.Log file in the folder location specified in your personal options. On most systems, the default location for the log file is %PROGRAMDATA%\Borland\StarTeam. If there is a log file already in this folder, The application renames the existing file to include the date and time at which it was renamed. For example, if you create a StarTeam.Log file on November 9, 2011 at 10:35 A.M., the old log file is renamed StarTeam-09-Nov-11-10-35-18.Log, and a new log file is created.

Because the application creates a new StarTeam.Log file every time you start the client, the log folder can fill up quickly. To control the number of log files in the folder, you may want to periodically delete old log files from the output folder or disable the log option. To disable the option, clear the Log Errors and the Log Operations check boxes on the Workspace tab of the Personal Options dialog. To display the StarTeam.Log file, select Tools > StarTeam Log File from the menu bar. You can also import and view the data from a log file using any application that supports tab-delimited fields. For example, if you save the file with a .csv extension, the file can be opened in Microsoft Excel.

The Workspace tab on the Personal Options dialog enables you to specify the location and the type of data recorded in the StarTeam.Log file

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Displaying and customizing StarTeam.Log

The StarTeam.Log file records the operations performed on your client workstation during a session. It helps you troubleshoot and document errors or operations between the server and your workstation that failed during server configuration sessions.

Because the application creates a new file every time you start the client, the log folder can fill up quickly. To control the number of log files in the folder, you may want to periodically delete old log files from the output folder or disable the StarTeam.Log option. To disable the option, clear the Log Errors and the Log Operations check boxes on the Workspace tab of the Personal Options dialog. To display the StarTeam.Log file, select Tools > StarTeam Log File from the menu bar. You can also import and view the data using any application that supports tab-delimited fields. For example, if you save the file with a CSV extension, the file can be opened in Microsoft Excel.

The Workspace tab on the Personal Options dialog enables you to specify the location and the type of data recorded in the StarTeam.Log file.

  1. From a client, select Tools > Personal Options. The Personal Options dialog box appears.
  2. On the Workspace tab, enter or browse for the location of the StarTeam.Log file in the Log Output Path text box. The default is the location in which the application is installed, for example, %PROGRAMDATA%\Borland\StarTeam. The current log file is always named StarTeam.Log. Log files from earlier sessions of the application include the date and time the file was last modified.

    Note: StarTeam.Log contains data about operations sent from your workstation to one or more servers, depending on what project views you have open. This data includes the name of the project so that you can isolate data for a particular server, when necessary.

  3. Select the types of data you want to include in StarTeam.Log.
    Log errors Set by default. Records errors that occur while you are using the client. The errors log lists the date and time you started your server configuration and any errors or failed operations between the server and client. The application identifies each failed operation by an internal ID and provides an explanation. For example, you might see:...Operation 40956 failed: TCP/IP Socket Error 10054:...
    Log StarTeamMPX events Selecting this option records information about StarTeamMPX events for this client. The log identifies the time and date on which a StarTeamMPX event (an automatic refresh or file status update) took place. The log prefaces a StarTeamMPX event as “Statistics for Events” and uses internal IDs and brief explanations to identify the server event. The following example describes a status change for a file:...Statistics for Events /1b21dd1-e208-51ea-01b2-1dd1e20851ea/Object/File/ Modify You can log StarTeamMPX events only if you check the “Enable StarTeamMPX” checkbox on the StarTeamMPX tab. For StarTeamMPXrelated operations, any changes you make on the Workspace tab do not apply to projects already open. However, the application will log StarTeamMPX events for any projects you open from this point forward.
    Log operations that take at least ___ milliseconds Select this option to record operations that take longer than a specific number of milliseconds. (An operation is a command that results from user actions. Operations can be executed on either the Server or the client.) The milliseconds time setting stops the log from filling up with operations of little importance. The default is 10 milliseconds. This option records information on the date, time, and UI Operation number for each command executed by your workstation. You can record either Summary or Detail information.
    Summary Records the time spent for the total operation, client execution time, and server execution time. The application identifies each operation by an internal ID, such as Statistics for Operation 40001.
    Detail Records a detailed breakdown of all server commands performed for each operation. The log identifies the server address, project, and component (File, Change Request, Requirement, Task, or Topic) for each server command. The application identifies each server command by an internal ID, such as Public Server Command 10.
  4. Click OK.

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This log records the progress of database migration. Migration is a process of creating a new database (destination database) and copying data from an existing database (source database) into it.

DbConvert.log consists of two parts (when starting a new migration):

  • Server log from starting a new configuration with a destination database. Server log part is no different than the log from a normal server startup/shutdown for a new configuration.
  • Migration log from the migration of the source database to the destination database. The Migration log itself starts after the line***** Server shutdown complete ***** It logs the source configuration name and the destination configuration name Started database conversion: configuration "Test" to configuration "TestMigrated"..." It lists all the tables as their data is copied from the source database to the destination database: "<tablename> migrated successfully” At the end, the source configuration is disabled and the destination configuration is enabled. Source config successfully disabled Target config successfully enabled It ends with a statement: Migration completed successfully.

If migration stopped and then re-started at a later time, the server log part might be missing in the DbConvert.log, if the destination database was already created by the previous run of migration. A sample of this log is displayed below:

1         00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:28  Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family Service Pack 2 (Build 3790) 

3         00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:29  Started database conversion: configuration "newsql" to configuration "NewORA10R2_Hamachi"...
4         00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:30  Catalog Tables converted successfully
5         00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:38  Catalog Fields converted successfully
6         00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:54  Catalog table converted successfully
7         00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:54  Catalog table converted successfully
8         00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:54  Catalog table converted successfully
9         00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:56  Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family Service Pack 2 (Build 3790) 

11        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:57  ServerSettings migrated successfully
12        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:57  CommProtocol migrated successfully
13        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:57  IPRangeObject migrated successfully
14        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:57  User migrated successfully
15        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:57  Group migrated successfully
16        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  GroupMembers migrated successfully
17        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  AccessControlData migrated successfully
18        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  SystemPolicyObject2 migrated successfully
19        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  ObjectSecurityLog migrated successfully
20        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  ProfileType migrated successfully
21        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  ProfileData migrated successfully
22        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  Merge migrated successfully
23        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  Project migrated successfully
24        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  View migrated successfully
25        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  Folder migrated successfully
26        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  Folder_QNodes migrated successfully
27        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  Folder_QParts migrated successfully
28        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  Folder_Queries2 migrated successfully
29        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:58  Folder_Filters2 migrated successfully
30        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:59  Folder_FColumns migrated successfully
31        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:59  ViewMember migrated successfully
32        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:59  ConfigLabel migrated successfully
33        00000001  2009-03-29 11:08:59  ConfigLabelEntry migrated successfully
34        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:00  Link migrated successfully
35        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:00  LinkPin migrated successfully
36        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:01  PromotionDefinition migrated successfully
37        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:01  PromotionModel migrated successfully
38        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:01  PromotionState migrated successfully
39        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:01  PromotionStatus migrated successfully
40        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:01  ItemLock migrated successfully
41        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:01  File migrated successfully
42        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:01  Files_BookmarkObjects migrated successfully
43        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:01  Files_QNodes migrated successfully
44        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:01  Files_QParts migrated successfully
45        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:02  Files_Queries2 migrated successfully
46        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:02  Files_Filters2 migrated successfully
47        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:02  Files_FColumns migrated successfully
48        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:02  Change migrated successfully
49        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:02  Changes_UnreadObjects migrated successfully
50        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:02  Changes_BookmarkObjects migrated successfully
51        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:02  Changes_Attachments migrated successfully
52        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:03  Changes_QNodes migrated successfully
53        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:03  Changes_QParts migrated successfully
54        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:04  Changes_Queries2 migrated successfully
55        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:04  Changes_Filters2 migrated successfully
56        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:07  Changes_FColumns migrated successfully
57        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:07  Requirement migrated successfully
58        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:07  Requirements_Attachments migrated successfully
59        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:07  Requirements_UnreadObjects migrated successfully
60        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:07  Requiremen_BookmarkObjects migrated successfully
61        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:07  Requirements_QNodes migrated successfully
62        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:07  Requirements_QParts migrated successfully
63        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:07  Requirements_Queries2 migrated successfully
64        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:08  Requirements_Filters2 migrated successfully
65        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:08  Requirements_FColumns migrated successfully
66        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:08  Task migrated successfully
67        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:08  WorkRecord migrated successfully
68        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:08  Dependencies migrated successfully
69        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:08  Tasks_UnreadObjects migrated successfully
70        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:08  Tasks_BookmarkObjects migrated successfully
71        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:08  Tasks_Attachments migrated successfully
72        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:09  Tasks_QNodes migrated successfully
73        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:09  Tasks_QParts migrated successfully
74        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:09  Tasks_Queries2 migrated successfully
75        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:09  Tasks_Filters2 migrated successfully
76        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:09  Tasks_FColumns migrated successfully
77        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:10  Topic migrated successfully
78        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:10  Topics_Attachments migrated successfully
79        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:10  Topics_UnreadObjects migrated successfully
80        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:10  Topics_BookmarkObjects migrated successfully
81        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:10  Topics_QNodes migrated successfully
82        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:10  Topics_QParts migrated successfully
83        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:10  Topics_Queries2 migrated successfully
84        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:10  Topics_Filters2 migrated successfully
85        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:11  Topics_FColumns migrated successfully
86        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:12  Trace migrated successfully
87        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:12  Traces_LinkValues migrated successfully
88        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:12  Traces_UnreadObjects migrated successfully
89        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:12  Traces_BookmarkObjects migrated successfully
90        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:12  Traces_Attachments migrated successfully
91        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:12  Traces_QNodes migrated successfully
92        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:12  Traces_QParts migrated successfully
93        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:12  Traces_Queries2 migrated successfully
94        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:12  Traces_Filters2 migrated successfully
95        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:12  Traces_FColumns migrated successfully
96        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:13  Audits migrated successfully
97        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:13  Audits_QNodes migrated successfully
98        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:13  Audits_QParts migrated successfully
99        00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:13  Audits_Queries2 migrated successfully
100       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:13  Audits_Filters2 migrated successfully
101       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:13  Audits_FColumns migrated successfully
102       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:14  ChangePackage migrated successfully
103       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:14  ChangePackageChange migrated successfully
104       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:14  ChangeReference migrated successfully
105       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:14  ChangePackag_UnreadObjects migrated successfully
106       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:14  ChangePack_BookmarkObjects migrated successfully
107       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:14  ChangePackages_Attachments migrated successfully
108       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:14  ChangePackages_QNodes migrated successfully
109       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:14  ChangePackages_QParts migrated successfully
110       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:14  ChangePackages_Queries2 migrated successfully
111       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:14  ChangePackages_Filters2 migrated successfully
112       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:15  ChangePackages_FColumns migrated successfully
113       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:15  Workstation migrated successfully
114       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:15  Source config successfully disabled
115       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:15  Target config successfully enabled
116       00000001  2009-03-29 11:09:15  Migration completed successfully.

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Analyze Server logs

The Analyze Server Log and the Analyze Archived Server Logs analyze the server log(s) and report the connections usage over time.

To access these logs, select Tools > Administration > Server Administration.

Analyze Server Log

Connect to the current server, obtains most recent server log and runs analysis, displaying a graph of Connections Count over time, and a report with multiple tabs:

Tab Name Description
Users List of users that connected, total connection time cumulated over all connections, and license type used.
Workstations List of workstations used to connect, including total connection time.
Clients List of client applications used for connecting, including total connection count.
SDK List of StarTeam SDK versions used for connecting, including total connection count.
Java List of Java versions used to connect, including total connection count.
Operating System List of operating system versions used to connect, including total connection count.

Analyze Archived Server Logs

Selects a number of StarTeam Server log files. The application runs analysis over the combined logs, reporting the same as above but cumulative for all the server logs selected.

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