Set up Pulse

Pulse is a code review tool to enable peer review of source code in StarTeam.

Configuring Pulse Code Review

Important: You need to configure Pulse either as an Administrator or as a user with Administrator Privileges. It is strongly recommended to restart “StarTeam Web Service” running on StarTeam Server Machine after configuring Pulse.

After the installation, the Pulse web application is configured to run as a service with the name ‘StarTeam Search Web Service’.

Use the URL http://<machine name>:<RESTServicePort>/pulse/ to log in to the service.

The default RESTServicePort, as configured, is 9090. Verify this with your System Administrator.

Pulse is configured to use StarTeam authentication.

When logging in through the browser, you will need to provide your StarTeam credentials to connect.

When logging in through the CPC, the credentials are automatically accessed from the local credential cache.

Note that only the StarTeam user whose credentials are used to configure Pulse has Pulse admin privileges granted.

Only the user with Pulse administrative privileges can register StarTeam Projects in Pulse.

Also note that StarTeam Projects must be registered in Pulse (using the browser based web UI) before the code review functionality is accessible, either from a browser or the StarTeam CPC.

To register a StarTeam Project in Pulse

  1. Login to Pulse via a browser. Use the URL http://<machine name>:< RESTServicePort>/pulse/ with pulse administrative privilege
  2. Go to Suites and select Main suite
  3. Click Register button and select Single / Multiple Products.

    Note: Pulse Product corresponds to StarTeam Project. Refer to the PulseUno Help Center for more information.

  4. Select StarTeam repository

  5. Select StarTeam project / projects for which you want to enable Pulse Code Review capability and save.

Now you are fully set to use code review capability.

To configure Pulse using server administration tool, select the server configuration and click on Actions menu > Configure Pulse. This option is only available on Windows platform.

The user is presented with a wizard to create a new database for Pulse code review. The database wizard is similar to the one used to create a new StarTeam server configuration and the type of database chosen is based on the selected server configuration. Note that StarTeam Web service should be started prior to configuring Pulse. The wizard creates a new database called 'Pulse' along with a new schema and role and installs a few configuration files under <Starteam Server install path>/Pulse/conf folder. Once the configuration is completed, the user can login to Pulse web page. Please refer to the Pulse Administration Guide for more information about administrating Pulse code review.

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Backup Procedures for Pulse database

Pulse Code Review stores metadata in its own database. For SQL Server and Postgres, Pulse data is stored in a schema within a dedicated Pulse database. For Oracle, Pulse data is stored in Oracle Schema user.

Pulse database stores important information about the code reviews and their work flow.

It is important to make sure that Pulse database (schema user in Oracle) is backed up along with StarTeam database backup. Failure to do so would like to application inconsistencies and customers would end up with issues like missing code reviews in the Pulse Code Review Perspective. For additional information on backups, see Database backups.

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