
As long as the StarTeam Server has search enabled, you can use your client to search for text. Note the following:

  • StarTeam will search all projects, and all server configurations, as specified by the StarTeam Server. This includes the asset file name.
  • Attachments for change requests, requirements, tasks, and topics will be searched. This includes the file name of the attachment.
  • Text capitalization is ignored during search.
  • Refer to the StarTeam Server Administration Tool Help to learn how to enable and configure search on the server.

To search for text:

  1. Open a project.

    Note: You must have a project open to enable search.

  2. Enter search text in the text field in the top right of your client and click Enter. The search view opens with your results. The results include the server and project in which the result was found.
  3. There are several options for filtering:

    • Select the servers to search.
    • Select a project.
    • Select the buttons of an asset type.
  4. Click the result's Open button (GUID-B70FCE28-1DFB-44C4-BCD5-2671FB698703-low.png) to open the item. For the StarTeam Web Client, click the Goto button.

Wildcard Prefix Queries

The following symbols can be used for wildcard searches:


Searches for single character wildcard. The single character wildcard search looks for terms that match that with the single character replaced. For example, to search for "text" or "test" you can use the search te?t.


Searches for multiple character wildcard.

Multiple character wildcard searches looks for 0 or more characters. For example, to search for database, datamart, datahub or dataset, you can use the search Data*.

You can also use the wildcard searches in the middle of a term. For example: te*t.

Note: You cannot use an * or a ? symbol as the first character of a search

Search Customization

You can use custom operators and StarTeam type/field names to enhance your search.

Example Search Phrase


hello world

Searches for items containing hello or world, preferably both.

hello -world

Searches for items containing hello, but not world.

hello +world

Searches for items that must contain world and preferably contain hello.

"hello world"

Searches for the exact phrase in quotes.

hello AND world

Searches for items that must contain both world and hello.

hello OR world

Searches for items containing hello or world.

hello NOT world

Searches for items containing hello but not world.

Content: hello

Searches for file items containing hello only in its content.


Searches for items containing hello only in one of its attachment's content.

(world OR universe) AND hello

Group clause search for items containing either world or universe and must contain hello.

Synopsis:(+test +"hello world")

Searches for item synopsis fields with text that contains both the word test and the phrase hello world.

hello type:cr
Searches for items which contain hello or are of type cr, preferably both. Non-change requests can still show up if they are better matches.
A type search searches for formal StarTeam type names, ignoring capitalization: Topic, Concept, File, Story, Requirement, Change request or CR, Task, Whiteboard, Folder, or Sprint.
title:"my item title"
Search the title field for the exact text my item title.
You can search by any field using the format field:value, ignoring capitalization, lowercase by convention, no spaces around the colon. Some examples of field names: name, title, content, synopsis, owner, description, comments, and note.

Note: Building a search query using user-defined custom fields, ID or Enumeration properties need to use special prefixes when referring to the property name. See the next section for more information.

Property Display Name Search

Field parameter accepts property's display name.

If the display name has a space, use quotes. For example:

"Test Command": apache + type:ChangeRequest

"CR Number":1

"Task Name":tasktop

+Status:Pending +type:Task returns all pending tasks.

Field Name Format for ID, Enumeration, and Custom Fields

When searching for text using a field name, certain StarTeam field types require special consideration. Enumerated fields and ID fields require the following preface before the field name: Str_. For example:

str_addressedby: "Joe Smith"
str_addressedby: Joe Smith
str_addressedby: Joe

The second example will interpret Smith as a separate OR match and will return all results with "joe" or "smith".

StarTeam's user-defined custom fields require a Usr_ prefix. For example:

  • A custom enumerated field named Color: Str_Usr_Color:Red.
  • A custom user ID field named StartedBy: Str_Usr_StartedBy:"Joe Smith" .

Field Names

The following fields are available for each of the types as listed below.

All Item Types

The following fields are used for all types, except as noted below.

  • Comment
  • Description (except for Plan, Task, and Whiteboard)
  • DotNotation
  • Str_CreatedUserID
  • Str_DeletedUserID
  • Str_ModifiedUserID
  • Category
  • Component
  • ChangeNumber
  • ExternalReference
  • Fix
  • Str_AddressedBy
  • Str_AddressedInView
  • Str_EnteredBy
  • Str_Platform
  • Str_priority
  • Str_Responisbility
  • Str_Severity
  • Str_Status
  • Str_StreamState
  • Str_Type
  • StreamState
  • Synopsis
  • TestCommand
  • WorkAround
  • ConceptName
  • Content
  • DiagramSource
  • ArchivePath
  • Compression
  • HiveArchiveFormat
  • LocalName
  • LocalPath
  • MD5
  • Name
  • Path
  • ProjectPVCSRev
  • StArchiveName
  • SymbolicLinkTarget
  • CreateProject
  • ExcludeSpec
  • LocalPath
  • Name
  • Path
  • Working
  • PlanName
  • AmbiguitiesFound
  • ChildType
  • Comments
  • DiagramSource
  • ExpectedEffort
  • ExternalReference
  • ExternalTestProjectURL
  • ExternalTestURL
  • HighEffort
  • LowEffort
  • Notes
  • Owner
  • ParentRequirementName
  • Path
  • Rank
  • RequirementNumber
  • RevisedDescription
  • RichDescription
  • Str_MosCow
  • Str_Owner
  • Str_Priority
  • Str_ResponsibileIDs
  • Str_ReviewedByIDs
  • Str_Status
  • Str_StreamState
  • Str_Tag
  • Str_Type
  • Str_UDAGrouping
  • StreamState
  • SprintName
  • Str_NotificationIDs
  • Str_Owner
  • Str_TargetReleases
  • Str_UserIDs
  • Team
  • AcceptanceCriteria
  • ExternalTestProjectURL
  • ExternalTestURL
  • Notes
  • RichDescription
  • Sponsor
  • Sprint
  • StoryOrder
  • StoryParentName
  • Str_IncomingState
  • Str_MosCow
  • Str_NotificationIDs
  • Str_Risk
  • Str_Sponsor
  • Str_StreamState
  • Str_StoryType
  • Str_StoryValue
  • Str_Tag
  • Str_TargetReleases
  • Team
  • RichDescription
  • Path
  • Story
  • Str_StTaskResourceIDs
  • Str_StWorkUserID
  • Str_TaskResponsibility
  • StTaskAttentionNotes
  • StTaskDescription
  • StTaskGU
  • StTaskParent
  • StTaskMSProjectFileName
  • StTaskName
  • StTaskNotes
  • StTaskNumber
  • StTaskOrder
  • StTaskUnique
  • StTaskWBSCode
  • Team
  • Path
  • TestParentName
  • ParentTopicTitle
  • Path
  • RecipientNames
  • Str_Priority
  • Str_RecipientIDs
  • Str_Status
  • TopicNumber
  • Color
  • WhiteboardName

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