5. Testing

All of the transitions from step 5. Testing are conditional. If the item is a suggestion, the user may either close the item or send it back to Research and Development for additional work. If the item is a defect, the user may either close the item or send it back to maintenance for additional work.

Dynamic defaults are used to direct a faulty implementation or fix back to the engineer who sent it to test. This is another case in which users would prefer to have email notification turned off to avoid redundant messages.

Tab Field Value
General Step Name 5. Testing
General Limit Step Duration Selected
General Duration 2 days
General Relative To <Leave blank>
Participants Notification Type Random
Participants To Testing group
Participants Authorized

Testing group

Administrators group

Reference to current value of Responsibility property

Exception Notification To

QA Manager


Step Notification Importance Normal
Step Notification Notification Interval 12 hours
Step Notification Subject <Leave blank> to use the default step notification message.
Step Notification Body <Leave blank> to use the default step notification message.
Form Options <Leave blank>
Status Notification To QA Manager
Next Steps Condition <otherwise>
Next Steps Next Steps

6b. Completed

6c. Reopened

Dynamic Defaults Property Workflow Status
Dynamic Defaults When equals value 5. Testing
Dynamic Defaults Assign Property: Comment
Dynamic Defaults Value: Status returns to 5. Testing
Workflow Extensions Workflow Extensions <Leave blank>

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