6a. Not Implemented

If a suggested change request has not been implemented, the appropriate users and groups are notified that the change request is closed and the customer is sent an appropriate thank you note.

Letters to be generated to customers are not sent from the application, although the templates for them may be stored in the application. The Customer Liaison notices this step’s completion and is expected to send the appropriate letter and move to the final step, which is Customer Letter.

Tab Field Value
General Step Name 6a. Not Implemented
General Duration 2 days
General Relative To <Leave blank>
Participants Notification Type <Leave blank>
Participants To <Leave blank>
Participants Authorized

Customer Liaison

Administrators group

Reference to current value of Responsibility property

Exception Notification To


General Manager

Step Notification To <Leave blank>
Form Options <Leave blank>
Status Notification To

Research and Development group


Product Management group


Customer Liaison

Status Notification Subject <Leave blank> to use the default step notification message.
Status Notification Body <Leave blank> to use the default step notification message.
Next Steps Condition <otherwise>
Next Steps Value: 7. Customer Letter
Dynamic Defaults Property Workflow Status
Dynamic Defaults When equals value 6a. Not Implemented
Dynamic Defaults Assign Property: Comment
Dynamic Defaults Value: Status is 6a. Not Implemented
Dynamic Defaults Assign Property: Responsibility
Dynamic Defaults Value: Customer Liaison
Workflow Extensions Workflow Extensions <Leave blank>

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