Confirmation Messages

Confirmation messages are sent to the user who responded to the responsibility assignment request. They are always sent through email so users have a record of what they have accepted and declined. The confirmation messages fall in three categories:

  • Confirmation of acceptance
  • Confirmation of the decision to decline
  • Processing error message
  • Parameter error message

The confirmation messages for acceptance, the decision to decline, and processing errors are generated in a dynamic fashion. They follow the same format except for the specific piece of text inserted into the message at the runtime, which indicates acceptance, decline, or error conditions.

In contrast, the confirmation messages for the parameter errors may contain only limited information because it is impossible to locate tasks or requests because of invalid input data. Also, suppose a user responds to a request that another user already accepted, or after all the requests expired or the step itself has expired. In this latter set of cases, the parameters are correct, but there is no longer an active task to be found.

The general template, shown below, contains a placeholder tag {{responsibility-assignment-result}} which is replaced by the appropriate text for the confirmation messages for acceptance, the decision to decline, and processing errors.

The {{responsibility-assignment- result}} tag resolves to:

Confirmation of acceptance messages
  • Your response was processed successfully. Thank you for accepting responsibility for the item indicated below.
  • Thank you for accepting responsibility for the item indicated below. However, no action was necessary since you already had the responsibility for this item.
Confirmation of decline messages Your response was processed successfully. Your decision to decline responsibility for the item indicated below has been acknowledged.
Processing error messages
  • Your response was past due. Another user was asked to take responsibility for this item.
  • Your acceptance of responsibility could not be processed because of the following error received from the server while attempting to set the responsibility property: error_message.

    You have x minutes to try to remedy the problem and set the responsibility manually. Otherwise the next user on the list will be asked to accept responsibility for this item.

  • Your acceptance of responsibility could not be processed because of the following error received from the server while attempting to set the responsibility property: error_message.

    You have x minutes to try to remedy the problem and set the responsibility manually. Otherwise, since you are the last person in the participant list, a request expiration message will be sent to alert others that this item needs their attention.

Subject Line

Confirmation: Your response to responsibility request for the {{type-name}}
{{property name="@primary-descriptor"}} at workflow step {{property name="@workflow-property"}}.


{{responsibility-assignment-result }}
{{property-table contents="standard"}}
<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY>{{responsibility-assignment-result }} <P>{{property-table contents="standard"}}

Note: From the http server, users see:

“Your response was processed successfully.”

“Your response was processed successfully. A detailed confirmation will be mailed to you.”

“An error occurred while processing your response. A detailed error report will be mailed to you.”

For parameter error messages, the general format of the message consists of the description of the error and information returned from the server. These are the possible error messages:

  • TaskID is invalid or missing.
  • RequestID is invalid or missing.
  • Acceptance flag is invalid or missing.
  • The item moved to another workflow step.
  • The responsibility for this item was already assigned to someone else.
  • There is no matching Responsibility Assignment task active. The response parameters may be incorrect, another user may have already accepted responsibility, the request or step may have expired, or the item may have progressed to another workflow step.
  • There is no matching request for the indicated Responsibility Assignment task.

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