Creating an Enumerated Property

After you have diagrammed a new workflow, you may need to add a enumerated property to the item type. Usually, the new property is the workflow control property. For convenience, Workflow Designer allows you to create it from within the designer.

Caution: Before you click OK, be sure that the field name and codes you select are the ones that you want. They cannot be changed after you exit this dialog box. The display name and the values can be changed from StarTeam, but not from Workflow Designer.

To create an enumerated custom field:

  1. From the New Workflow Properties dialog box or the Workflow Properties dialog box, click Add Property. The Add Enumerated Property dialog box opens.
  2. Enter the name for the user-defined field to be used by the database in the Field Name text box. Use only alphanumeric characters and no spaces in this name. The name should be fewer than 31 ASCII characters (including the Usr_) and not contain these following characters that are not accepted by one or more of the databases that the application supports:

    = \\.^$@,;!:#*&<>?-//%|[](())+"
  3. Type the name that StarTeam will display to users in the Display Name field.
  4. Click Add to enter the first value for this enumerated type. The Add Value dialog box appears. The application reserves the numeric codes from 0 to 99, so this dialog shows numbers starting with 100.
  5. Use the displayed code or enter another in the Code field.
  6. Type the name for this enumerated value in the Name field.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Repeat Steps 4-7 to add additional values.

    Note: If you create an enumerated code or value incorrectly, click Edit to repair or Delete to remove that value from the list. When you are finished adding values, you can use drag-and-drop to rearrange the values in the Possible Values list box.

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