Creating the Custom APE Form
This section provides an overview of the procedure for creating the form used in the example workflow. Before you begin, verify that JBuilder (or the Java development environment of your choice) is installed and properly configured to work with the application. See Configuring JBuilder to Use StarTeam JavaBeans for more information on using JBuilder to customize application forms.
- Copy the files located in C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\StarFlow Extensions\ Samples\ChangeRequest folder on your workstation to the working folder for the StarFlow Extensions\Projects\Example folder (for example, C:\config_name\StarFlow Extensions\Projects\Example).
- Start JBuilder and open the ChangeRequest.jpx JBuilder project file now located in the Example folder. View (double-click the file name in the pane on the upper left of the window).
- Click the Design tab at the bottom of the central pane. A sample Change Request form appears in the Design window.
- Experiment with adding one property that is not already there.
- Choose File > Save from the menu and save the form with the same name (
- Create the .jar file by selecting the Project > Make project_name command using the menu bar.
- If you are using JBuilder Professional Edition, run the Makeproject_namejar.bat file to complete the creation of the .jar file.
- Check in the new form .jar and .propertyeditor.xml to the StarFlow Extensions\Projects\Example folder.