Editing the 1. New Step
Step “1. New” is always processed by someone in the product management group. The user who accepts responsibility at this step must set the Type to either suggestion or defect.
From step “1. New”, there are two possible transitions: defects go directly to the engineering manager (EM) for assignment, while suggestions go to the product manager (PM) for evaluation first.
In this example, the transition to step “2. PM Evaluation” is conditional, based on Type = Suggestion and using the default <otherwise> condition for the transition to step “3. EM Processing”. Implementing an <otherwise> condition assures that an item can always transition to some next step.
At runtime, the user will be presented with a single choice for the next step. If the item is a suggestion, the only choice will be to proceed to step 2. If the item is anything other than a suggestion (a defect), the only choice will be to proceed to step 3.
Try editing this step on your own from the following summary.
Tab | Field | Value |
General | Step Name | 1. New
General | Limit Step Duration | Selected
General | Duration | 4 days
General | Relative To | <Leave blank>
Participants | Notification Type | Random
To | To | Product Management group
Participants | Authorized |
Reference to current value of Responsibility property. |
Exception Notification | To | PM
Step Notification | Importance | Normal
Step Notification | Notification Interval | 12 hours
Step Notification | Subject | <Leave blank> to use the default step notification message.
Step Notification | Body | <Leave blank> to use the default step notification message.
Form Options | Field Name | Platform
Form Options | Setting | Required
Status Notification | To | <Leave blank>
Next Steps | Condition | Type
Next Steps | Value: | Suggestion
Next Steps | Next Steps | 2. PM Evaluation
Next Steps | Condition | <otherwise>
Next Steps | Next Steps | 3. EM Processing
Dynamic Defaults | Property | Severity
Dynamic Defaults | When equals value | High
Dynamic Defaults | Assign Property: | Priority
Dynamic Defaults | Value: | Yes
Dynamic Defaults | Property | Severity
Dynamic Defaults | When equals value | <otherwise>
Dynamic Defaults | Assign Property: | Priority
Dynamic Defaults | Value: | No
Dynamic Defaults | Property | Workflow Status
Dynamic Defaults | When equals value | 1. New
Dynamic Defaults | Assign Property: | Comment
Dynamic Defaults | Value: | Status is 1. New
Workflow Extensions | Workflow Extensions | <Leave blank>