Saving and Exporting Workflows
Saving a workflow to the Projects folder or one of its subfolders in the server configuration’s StarFlow Extensions project is equivalent to deploying that workflow. We recommend that you save workflows to a Test folder in a Test project until it is ready for general use.
Saving the workflow to the Projects folder or one of its subfolders makes that workflow available for deployment, so long as:
- The name of its parent folder is the name of an application project or view.
- The path from the Projects folder to the parent folder represents the project/view hierarchy within the server configuration.
Making a workflow available for deployment can provide workflow steps or stop the use of the workflow. If the workflow was disabled via Workflow Designer, then the APE will appear but no workflow will be enforced. Using both enabled and disabled workflows makes it possible to turn on workflow for an entire project but stop it for specific views.
Exporting a workflow allows you to use it in another server configuration. This feature also allows you to save a workflow that contains errors.