Setting Access Rights for StarTeam Notification Agent
The user running StarTeam Notification Agent and StarTeam Notification Agent Setup must have the following access rights:
At the server level:
- The server access right “Change user/operation time”. StarTeam Notification Agent needs this right because it impersonates other users. When a user accepts responsibility for an item, Notification Agent impersonates the accepting user as it sets the workflow responsibility property to the name of that user. The audit log records the action as if it were done by the impersonated user.
- The server access right “Administer user accounts” - StarTeam Notification Agent needs this right to obtain email addresses for users and other user information.
- StarTeam Notification Agent cannot set the responsibility property for an item to a specific user unless that user (who is being impersonated by StarTeam Notification Agent) has the correct application access rights. Make sure that the appropriate items can be accessed by the participating users. For example, Quality Assurance team members would have most or all of the access rights available for change requests. To set the responsibility for a change request to a specific user, that user must have the rights to modify the properties of a change request, and so on.
The user running Notification Agent Setup must be able to access the StarFlow Extensions project, create a child folder, and add a file.
At the project level:
- For the Project node, set the “See object and its properties” right.
- For the View node, set the “See object and its properties” right.
For the Child Folders node, set the following rights:
- See object and its properties
- Create folders
For the File node, set the following rights:
- See object and its properties
- Modify properties
- See History
- Set exclusive locks
- Check in file
- Check out file
- Add file