Status Notification Message

A status notification message is sent when an item’s workflow control property changes its value. The message is sent to the users defined in the status notification list. If this list is empty, no message is sent.

You can create your own status notification message to replace this message.

Subject Line

Status Notification: {{type-name}} {{property name="@primary-descriptor"}}
entered workflow state: {{property name="@workflow-property"}}.


{{property-style modified-prefix="***"}}
This item is located in view {{view-name}} in project {{project-name}}.
{{property-table contents="standard"}}
{{property-style modified-style= color:red;font-weight:bold }}
<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY>This item is located in view {{view-name}} in project {{project-name}}. <P>{{property-table contents="standard"}}

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