Testing the Workflow
To test a workflow, you need to:
Create a Test project in your server configuration. (The project name does not have to be Test; this is just an example.)
Create a
Test folder as a child of the
Projects folder in the
StarFlow Extensions project.
Copy the
ChangeRequest.jar and
ChangeRequest.propertyeditor.xml files to the Test folder’s working folder.
Check them in.
Open the
Test project and click
Project > Properties.
Project Properties dialog box opens.
Click the
Editors tab.
Select the
Use Alternate Property Editor For Change Requests check box.
Locator ChangeRequest
in the field under the check box.
Setup and start the
StarTeam Notification Agent to monitor the Test project for the correct item type.
Use the
StarTeam Notification Agent’s
Run Now button to simulate movement from step to step.
Correct the workflow if necessary.
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