Understanding Links

Links are directed lines connecting pairs of steps. They show the routing possibilities within a workflow. Links can be unconditional or conditional. When a link is unconditional, users can select the second step from the first, regardless of the settings of any other properties.

Conditional links limit the possible next steps based on the value of some property other than the workflow control property and other than a date/time property.

Keep in mind that:

  • On paper, you can draw several links between any two specific steps, but in the Workflow Designer, you see only one link connecting two steps in the workspace.
  • On paper you can write any number of simple and complex conditions on a link, but in Workflow Designer, only one property can appear in a conditional link.
  • The conditional property cannot be the workflow control property or a date/time property.
  • The conditional property can be set to one, more than one, or all the values, including the <otherwise> value with varying consequences depending on each listed value.
  • All of the consequences are moves to other workflow steps.
  • In most cases, when the user enters the workflow step, the conditional property should be displayed and enabled. It may even be required.
  • In most cases, when the user enters the workflow step, the workflow control property must be displayed and enabled.
  • The value of the conditional property dictates which values (steps) can be selected from the workflow control property’s list.

For example, suppose a links condition is equivalent to When Severity is High and has the possible next steps of 1. New and 2a. Open. Then the only values the user can select from the workflow control property’s list are 1. New and 2a. Open when the condition is true.

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