Understanding Locator

To use APEs, you enter Locator before the name of the APE in the Project Properties dialog box. See “Configuring StarTeam Projects to Use APEs" for more details.

Some clients use a tool called Locator; others, such as the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client, use this word as a signal to check the StarTeam Extensions project. The clients open the StarTeam Extensions project, find the correct files automatically, load them into memory and execute the main entry point for the APE .jar file. The resources required by the APE are specified in the .propertyeditor.xml file.

With the StarTeam Visual Studio .NET integration, you can user Locator and display a console log file during initialization. This console log provides details about the execution and, if an exception occurs during initialization, LocatorDebug displays the location of the exception and its code. When you upgrade StarTeam Extensions to a new release, you must check in new files to the StarFlow Extensions project.

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