Understanding Steps
Each step has properties that can be set. These properties control what happens to an item under workflow control while it in that step.
Step Names
Each step represents a value in the workflow control property. That value becomes the name of the step.
Time Limits
A step usually indicates the completion of some number of activities. For example, when a developer sets the status of a change request to fixed, team members recognize that, as a result of some defect, that developer has written code, compiled it, tested the fix in debug mode, and checked in one or more files. These activities are not usually reflected in the workflow, but they require some time to complete.
You can allot time for the activities that must be performed at a given step by setting a number of days, hours, or minutes for the step to complete. This time can be relative to the time the steps starts or the time between some previous step and this step. Exception message are sent when deadlines are missed.
Form Control
At each step, you have some control over the APE form. You can:
- Hide property fields.
- Require property fields.
- Disable property fields.
- Limit the values that are displayed in the list box for the workflow control property. This controls what “next steps” are available to the user editing the APE.
- Dynamically set values in fields based on the value set in another. You set “dynamic defaults” so that, if a user selects
one value in one field, one or more other fields change their values. For example, if you are familiar with the application’s
built-in workflow for change requests, you have noticed that when you change the
Status to fixed, two dynamic defaults take place:
- The Responsibility field automatically becomes set to the name of the user who created the defect (the value of the Entered By property).
- The value of the Addressed In field is automatically set to Next Build.
A dynamic default happens in real time and is triggered by some action on the user’s part. It is only a default. The user can change the values in either of these fields.
Note: You cannot use a date/time property as the triggering field for a dynamic default.
Who’s Who
At each step, you create lists of users and groups:
- Those who will be asked to accept responsibility for the work to be done for the step.
- Those who can edit the item at this step. This should include:
- The previous list of people or at least the one to whom the StarTeam Notification Agent has assigned to the workflow responsibility property field.
- Some administrators who need access to the item at all times.
- Some supervisors who may not be responsible for any items but who will assist those who are.
- Those who will need to be notified when items reach a specific step.
- Those who need to be notified about exceptions. Exceptions include missed deadlines, the failure of any user to accept responsibility for an item at this step, and so on.
For the participants, those who are asked to accept responsibility for the step, you can tailor the step notification message’s contents. It can also be sent to users simultaneously or in a specific or random order.
The StarTeam Notification Agent sends status and exception messages to everyone in the lists simultaneously. You can tailor the status message, but the exceptions messages are under the StarTeam Notification Agent's control.
If you do not want to notify anyone, the notification list should be empty.