Viewing and Editing Workflow Properties

Whenever you open a workflow, Workflow Designer lets you know if the workflow properties need to be specified. Even when they are already specified, you may choose to change them.

Caution: Editing or changing the workflow control property or workflow responsibility property after a workflow is deployed and there are items under workflow control may yield undesirable results.

  1. Click Edit > Workflow Properties. The Workflow Properties dialog box opens.
  2. From the Item Type list, select the item type on which the workflow is based. You can create a workflow for the following application item types: file, change request, requirement, task and topic.
  3. From the Workflow Responsibility list, select the item property that indicates responsibility for a step. If you are creating a workflow for change requests, the default is Responsibility. You may change this, for example, if you have created a custom property to track responsibility or choose to use another user ID field.
  4. From the Workflow Control Property list, select the item type’s property that will control the workflow. This property is always an enumerated type. It may be a custom property or an existing application property that is customizable. If you are creating a workflow for change requests and have created a custom property with the internal name Usr_StarFlowStatus, the list defaults to that property’s display name (usually Workflow Status).
  5. From the Entry Step list, select the name of the value from the workflow control property that will be the name of the entry step, the step at which each item enters the workflow. The entry step is usually named “0. Entered”. Steps with that name define the constraints for an item as it is initially created.
  6. Click OK.

You can create a custom enumerated property from the Workflow Properties dialog box. You can also add values to that property or any other enumerated property that is either a custom property or a customizable application property. For more information about custom and customizable fields, see the StarTeam Administrator’s Guide.

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