Virtual services

Service Virtualization places a virtual service between the client application (application under test) and the real service you want to simulate.

To simulate the behavior of the real service, you create a virtual service and configure it to meet your needs. After you design your virtual service, you reconfigure your client application to use this virtual service endpoint, in place of the real service.

Task How to

Create virtual services. Import an existing service description document, or create a new service based on one of the Service Virtualization supported protocols.

Create service templates. After creating a service, you can save it as a template in order to reuse the service in multiple testing environments, or reuse the service's configuration, custom functions, data, and views.

Create a Virtual Service
Configure your virtual service. Design data and performance models to simulate real service behavior. You can record real service activity, and use it to create these models, or manually customize the models. Configure Virtual Services
Virtualization projects. The basis of organizing your virtual service is the virtualization project. The virtualization project includes your virtual services, the simulation models you use to simulate real service behavior, and other configuration entities you can customize to meet your needs. Virtualization Projects
Manage virtual services. Manage your services by manipulating the virtual service mode. The modes include Learning, Standby, and Simulating. Simulation

See also: