Model Composite Applications

This task describes how to create and configure a topology to model and test your composite application.

  1. Optional: Discover services

    You can use Service Discovery to find all the services used by an application via a proxy agent.

    Note: Supported for SOAP services only.

    1. On the Start Page, click Discover Services to create a new virtualization project and starts the discovery process, enabling you to find all services used by an application.

      Alternatively, you can discover services in an existing project. In the Topology Editor, right-click and select Start Service Discovery.

    2. In the Service Discovery dialog box, configure your client application to use the Service Virtualization proxies. You must configure the proxies before running Service Discovery. For user interface details, see Service Discovery Dialog Box.

    3. Run your client application under test .
    4. When services are discovered, click Stop Discovery. The discovered services are stored in a group called Discovered Services. You can use them in your topology.
  2. Create a topology

    From the main menu, select File > New > Topology. For user interface details, see Summary of New Topology Dialog Box.

    The new topology opens in the Topology Editor. By default, Service Virtualization creates the new topology with one service which calls another, limited access service.

  3. Configure the topology

    You configure your topology using the Topology Editor. To model your composite application, create a visual map of your services, their types, and the connections between them.

    1. From the Tools pane in the Topology Editor, add items to the topology.
    2. Connect services using service call connectors. Move the cursor to the right edge of the calling service until the hand icon displays. Then click and drag the connector to the called service.
    3. To mark additional services as limited or secure, right-click a service and select Set Limited Access or Set Secure. For additional configuration options, right-click a service to view the context menu.

    For user interface details, see Topology Editor.

  4. Test your composite application

    The process of testing your composite application includes the following steps:

    a. virtualize services

    b. reconfigure clients

    c. learn services

    d. simulate services

    To test a service, in the Topology Editor, right-click the service and select Test. Services with limited access, or services that may require reconfiguration are indicated with unique icons in the Topology Editor. When you select to test a service that calls other limited access services, the Task List opens on the right side of the Topology Editor. The Task List provides step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process required to virtualize, learn, and simulate the limited access service that your service under test calls.

    For user interface details, see the Task List section of the Topology Editor.

    In addition, you can add and virtualize individual components, as described in the subsequent steps in this task.

  5. Virtualize services

    In the Topology Editor, right-click a service and select Create Virtual Service. You can select an existing virtual service from a drop-down list, or choose to create a new virtual service.For user interface details on creating a new virtual service, see Create New Virtual Service Wizard.

    If a service is marked as secure and does not already have any associated authentication Service Virtualization cannot access the service and prompts you to provide authentication. For details on setting authentication credentials, see Set Security.

  6. Reconfigure clients

    When you virtualize services, the services that call them may require reconfiguration to use the new virtual service in place of the real service.

    1. A service that requires reconfiguration is displayed in the Topology Editor with an exclamation point icon. Click the icon to open the Reconfigure Service dialog box, and update endpoint details for real and virtual services as required.
    2. When you have reconfigured the calling component, click Mark Completed and close the dialog box. The exclamation point icon is no longer displayed.
  7. Learn service behavior

    You can learn the behavior of individual services in the topology of a composite application.

    1. Prerequisites: Edit the topology, marking limited and secured services, and import service descriptions for the services you want to learn.
    2. In the Topology Editor, right-click each service for which you want to record the real service behavior and select Learn.
    3. Run your test through the composite application using a client or test script. Service Virtualization records the requests and responses for the virtualized services and creates simulation models for each one.

      As you run your test, the Runtime View, located in the lower pane of the window, displays details for each virtual service.

    4. When you have finished recording, right-click each service you are recording and select Stop Learning. The services are placed in Simulate Mode.

      Alternatively, select Simulate and the application stops the learning process and switches directly to simulating.

  8. Simulate service behavior

    You can test your composite application using the virtual services in your topology to simulate the behavior of the real services.

    1. Prerequisites: Learn the behavior of the services you want to simulate.
    2. In the Topology Editor, right-click each service that you want to simulate and select Simulate. The service is placed in Simulate mode.
    3. Run your test through the composite application using a client or test script. Service Virtualization processes the requests to each virtualized service and returns responses based on the simulation model for each.

      As you run your test, the Runtime View, located in the lower pane of the window, displays details for each virtual service.

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