Edit Relations Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to configure binding for an array. You can define the relationships between Excel worksheets or database tables that are required for array binding.

To access

Use one of the following within the data rule:

  • When binding an array item, this dialog box opens automatically.
  • Right-click the rule or column header and select External Data Properties. See the Relations area.
Relevant tasks Work With External Data Sources
Important information When there is a 1 to 1 relationship, there will be exactly one item in the array for each row. Items of the array can be located on the same Excel worksheet or database table as other data, and the relationship will be specified as the same column for the Primary and Foreign Key. This works only for a one level array. It cannot be used if the array is part of another array.
See also Data Driving

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Primary/Foreign Key/Order By

The drop-down lists display the columns in the external data source. The format of the keys is <worksheet_name>.<column_name> for an Excel or <schema>.<table>.<column name> for a database source.

Order By: A drop-down list of the available columns in the child table to be used for ordering items within array.

Select a value for each key to define the relationship.

Add Adds a row, enabling you to define an additional relationship between primary and foreign keys.
Delete Removes the selected row.