The upgrade process

This topic explains the process of upgrading Service Virtualization 4.20 or later to the latest version.

Note: If you are using a version earlier than 4.20, you first need to upgrade to 4.20, and then to the latest version. For the 4.20 upgrade process, see

Upgrade overview

Below is the process for upgrading Service Virtualization to the latest version.

If you were working with an earlier version of Service Virtualization, follow the upgrade process to install and start working with a new version.

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Designer upgrade

When you upgrade to a new version of the Service Virtualization Designer, the previous version is removed before the new version is installed. Virtualization projects and services are not affected, and remain on the Designer machine.

To install the new version of the Service Virtualization Designer on client machines, see Installing Service Virtualization on Windows.

After installation, you must migrate your projects. For details, see Project migration.

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Server upgrade

When you upgrade to a new version of the Service Virtualization Server, the previous version is removed before the new version is installed, and all deployed services are undeployed. To assist you with the upgrade process, the Server Backup tool is run during the upgrade process, which backs up the Service Virtualization Server state before installing the new version.


  • To work with FIPS mode and Service Virtualization, enable FIPS only after successfully installing Service Virtualization Server.

  • If the upgrade is performed by a different user to the one that originally installed Service Virtualization Server, and password encryption is active, you will encounter a warning message at the start of the installation that the password is missing.


    1. Click Fix Encryption Password in the Service Virtualization Server Setup Welcome screen.

    2. Log on to an account that has the required encryption password in its Windows Credential Store. The required encryption password is always available for both the user account that originally installed the Service Virtualization Server, and the user under which the Service Virtualization Server runs as a service.

      • If the Service Virtualization Server is running under a Local System account, you can adopt the encryption password from the Local System account by pressing enter; you don’t need to specify a password.

      • For other accounts, specify both the user name and password to adopt the encryption password.

    3. After fixing the encryption password, restart the installer and run it again.

After installing the new version, the installer migrates the backed up services to the new version and runs Server Restore, which redeploys the virtual services and restores other configuration information to the server.

The installation wizard provides the following backup, migration, and deployment options:

  • Backup Existing Installation. Backs up the services that are currently deployed on the server machine and automatically redeploys them on the new version of the server.
  • Migrate and redeploy backed-up services from previous to new version.
  • Run the Service Virtualization server (64-bit) as a service.

For more details on installing the new version of the Service Virtualization Server, see Installing Service Virtualization on Windows.

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Use-case scenario

The following example scenario demonstrates how you might implement the upgrade process in your organization.

Server administrator:

  1. Upgrade all Service Virtualization Servers in the department to the new version.

  2. Using the Resource Manager migration tool, migrate project and virtual services located in shared repositories, such as on a network file system, or in ALM.

    Note: You cannot deploy services to the upgraded server until they are migrated.

  3. Using the Resource Manager deployment tool, deploy migrated services to your Service Virtualization Servers.

Designer user:

  1. Upgrade the Service Virtualization Designer on your local machine.

    Note: You cannot work with upgraded projects or services until you upgrade the Designer.

  2. Using the Designer or the Resource Manager tool, migrate and deploy virtual services that are stored locally on your machine.

For more details on these tools, or to run them manually, see:

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