Windows firewall and TCP port configuration

Microsoft Windows must be configured to allow the Service Virtualization Management API endpoint, the Service Virtualization Management service, and the Service Virtualization agents to listen for HTTP or TCP requests.

Configuration types

Service Virtualization performs the required configuration automatically. When a listener in one of the Service Virtualization component starts, it checks all relevant firewall exceptions, URL reservations, and certificate bindings, and updates the Windows system configuration if needed. When you start the Designer, Windows User Account Control may prompt you to allow the Designer to run in elevated mode. No additional user input is required.

Service Virtualization configures the following:

  • Windows Firewall. Adds firewall exceptions to enable Service Virtualization components to receive TCP and HTTP requests. For details, see Windows firewall settings.
  • URL reservation (Windows urlacl). Enables applications to receive messages for specific URLs, as needed for working with Service Virtualization.
  • Certificate binding. Imports all certificates used by Service Virtualization into the Windows certificate store and binds them to the related ports. For details, see SSL certificate specification.

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Changing the automatic configuration settings

This automatic configuration is enabled in Service Virtualization by default. You can modify the automatic configuration settings in any of the Service Virtualization applications - Designer, Server, or Service Virtualization Management.

To change the automatic configuration settings:

  1. Open the configuration file for the relevant application:

    • Service Virtualization Designer: Located in the installation folder. By default: C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Service Virtualization Designer\Designer\bin\VirtualServiceDesigner.exe.config.
    • Service Virtualization Server: C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Service Virtualization Server\Server\bin\HP.SV.StandaloneServer.exe.config
    • Service Virtualization Management: C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Service Virtualization Server\Server\bin\HP.SV.ServiceVirtualizationManager.Host.exe.config
  2. Edit the following section:






    • managePortRegistrations="true" - Service Virtualization automatically updates certificate binding and URL reservations, if necessary.

    • manageFirewall="true" - Service Virtualization automatically opens Windows Firewall for ports used by Service Virtualization components to listen for requests.

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Configure SV Designer HTTP(S) port ranges

In the SV Designer installer, you can configure a range of HTTP and HTTPS ports. This range is used for two purposes:

  • Ports for newly created HTTP(S) based agents are automatically assigned from this range.

  • Firewall configuration, URL reservation, and certificate binding is performed for all ports from this range. This means that SV Designer users don't need administrator privileges to use ports from this range.

When SV Designer runs out of ports from the specified range, it displays an "All ports from pre-configured range are already used" warning. In this case, you need to specify the agent's port manually, or modify the range in the SV Designer configuration file.

To change the port range:

  1. Open the Designer's configuration file, located in:


  2. Modify HTTPGatewayAgentPorts and HTTPSGatewayAgentPorts to fit your requirements.

  3. Restart SV Designer.

    Copy code
    Configuration example:
    <add key="HTTPGatewayAgentPorts" value="7200-7210" />
    <add key="HTTPSGatewayAgentPorts" value="7211-7230" />

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