Known issues for Service Virtualization

This section includes the known issues for Service Virtualization.


  • JDBC guidelines

    • The Result Set is read-only. Updating, inserting, and deleting records via Result Set is not supported.
    • Structured requests are supported only for prepared statements, or for non-prepared statements as a string.
    • The following JDBC types are not supported:

      • Ref
      • Array
      • Struct for non-standard JDBC types
      • RowID
      • SQLXML
      • NClob
      • Custom Types (except JSON type for PostgreSQL)
      • JdbcRowSet
  • Service call activity (SCA).

  • Simulation preview does not execute SCA.

  • MTOM service: Service Virtualization freezes after editing a data model.

    Observation: Messages with huge attachments may cause the data model editor to freeze.

    Workaround: No known workaround.

  • Virtual service uses a different X509 certificate than the client for a real service connection.

    Observation: Client application does not send the client certificate to establish mutual HTTPS connection.

    Workaround: Make sure that the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities list on the machine where Service Virtualization is installed does not contain too many installed authorities (50-100). Clean unused or unnecessary authorities to keep the list small. Mutual HTTPS requires the list of trusted authorities to be sent to the client in packet of limited size. The client uses the list to select the correct client certificate. If there are too many authorities, the sent list will be truncated, and your required authority may be in the truncated part.

  • Limited message import of COBOL messages for all related protocols.

    Observation: Import of COBOL message messages for all COBOL related protocols has the following limitations:

    1. File content is previewed with invalid characters.

    2. Default encoding/character set is used for processed content. The default value is IBM037 (IBM COM EUROPE EBCDIC).


    1. No current workaround.

    2. Modify the Designer/Server application configuration file (named HP.SV.StandaloneServer.exe.config or VirtualServiceDesigner.exe.config) and add/update the following lines, replacing the value with the desired encoding:



    <add key="ImsMessageProcessor.DefaultCodePage" value="IBM037" />

    <add key="CobolMessageProcessor.DefaultCodePage" value="IBM037" />



  • Fail to update schema for XLM service in case type is part of xml inheritance.

    Observation: Manual modification of a complex XML schema type in a service description is not supported when the complex type is either created by type derivation (restriction or extension), or is a base type in a complex type derivation.

    Workaround: Create a new service using a modified service description.

  • Designer crashes with OOM for WSDL with 260 operations.

    Observation: WSDLs with more than 100 operations with large schemas (more than 200 leaves) are not supported.

    Workaround: Split WSDL.

  • Add support for error messages in IMS protocol.

    Observation: IMS Connect protocol error messages are not supported.

    Workaround: Not available.

  • When enabling a disabled metadata, the new column has IsCondition instead of IgnoreCondition.

    Observation: When enabling a disabled request metadata, the new column has the Is condition instead of the Ignore condition.

    Workaround: Manually change the function on the metadata column to Ignore.

  • User has full permission (r,w,d,m) on a service but cannot see the service endpoint.

    Observation: User has full permission (r,w,d,m) on a service but cannot see the service endpoint properly.

    Workaround: Add the Read permission on the specific agent for the user.

  • JavaScript engine crashes in native code with 80000003 Exception Code.

    Observation: Under a high load >10 parallel clients running against a virtual service with a scripted rule, the application may crash with the 80000003 Exception Code, mostly on a 32-bit system.

    Workaround: Set maximum engine buffer size to less than 11 in the “scripted-rule-context.xml” file, located in the “Designer\bin\Config” or “Server\bin\Config”.

  • References are inlined in RPC/Enc communication.

    Observation: When sending referenced elements in SOAP RPC/Encoded communication, referenced elements are inline.

    Workaround: None.

  • Unable to export statistics or list of services running on multiple servers.

    Observation: When multiple services are selected, the menu items Export Statistics or Export List are disabled.

    Workaround: Make sure you selected services from the same server. Filter out servers that you don’t need.

  • Batch simulation does not work with Performance Model hot swap.

    Observation: When performing a hot swap to a new Performance Model that has batch simulation configured, the batch simulation does not work.

    Workaround: Restart simulation to use the newly selected Performance Model.

  • IBM WebSphere MQ Non-Intrusive protocol: Performance model simulation is not supported for a virtual service that is not using a data model.

  • Installer fails with the error "Error 997. Overlapped I/O operation is in progress."

    Observation: The .msi installer may fail with the error message "Error 997. Overlapped I/O operation is in progress" when it is run from the command line with logging enabled and when requiring a flush of the log file after each line using the /l*vx! install.log option.

    Workaround: Remove the exclamation mark from msiexec logging parameter (! - Flush each line to the log).

    For example:

    Correct:msiexec /i ServiceVirtualizationServer.msi /l*vx install.log

    Incorrect:msiexec /i ServiceVirtualizationServer.msi /l*vx! install.log

  • Simulation Preview does not work for scripted rules.

    Observation: Scripted rules do not display a result in simulation preview unless the virtual service is in Simulation mode.

    Workaround: Switch the virtual service to Simulation mode.

  • Internet Explorer may display a security warning when opening the offline version of documentation.

    Observation: If you do not have an active internet connection, a local copy of the Service Virtualization Help Center is displayed, using your default browser. When the local help opens in Internet Explorer, a security warning displays.

    Workaround: Modify the relevant setting in Internet Explorer.

    1. Click the Tools button and select Internet Options.

    2. In the Advanced tab, under Security, select Allow active content to run in file on My Computer.

  • When changing SV Server, unable to deploy to a SV Server that does not yet exist in the configuration.

    Observation: When changing the SV Server, it's not possible to deploy to a SV Server that does not yet exist in the configuration.

    Workaround: Add the desired SV Server first through Tools > Options > Servers.

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Service Virtualization Management

  • The Server detail page stops refreshing after some time.

    Observation: Server detail page stops refreshing. It shows warning about connection issue and graphs are not updated, although services page opened in another browser tab is working fine.

    Workaround: Refresh problematic page in browser.

  • Default server is in "red" state after start of Service Virtualization Server and Service Virtualization Management.

    Observation: Default server is in "red" state after program start.

    Workaround: Wait a moment or re-enter the server credentials.

  • Exporting service statistics in Service Virtualization Help Center Management.

    For export and display of long term service statistics with many records (for example, hundreds of thousands), we highly recommend using a stronger hardware configuration as data volumes larger than 150k records can cause memory issues. It also takes some time to export statistics for big data. According to our testing, the export of 150k records with a minimal supported hardware configuration (Win Server 2012 R2, 4 CPU and 8GB RAM) takes Service Virtualization 90 seconds to display and 20 minutes to export statistics to Excel.

  • Designer does not start correctly when try loading SV project from ALM without logging in to ALM on startup.

    Observation: When Load previous solution on startup is selected (Tools > Options > General > Projects and Solutions) and the project opens from ALM, you cannot run Service Virtualization Designer the next time. The log file contains the following error: “You are not connected to ALM. Connect to ALM and try again.”


    1. Clear Load previous solution on startup. To do this, open the %appdata%\Micro Focus\Service Virtualization Designer\VirtualServiceDesignerProperties.xml file and change the SharpDevelop.LoadPrevProjectOnStartup key to False.

    2. Select Restore connection on startup in the ALM connection dialog box. It will connect to ALM automatically before the project opens during Designer startup.

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  • Designer does not start correctly when try loading SV project from ALM without logging in to ALM on startup.

    Observation: When Load previous solution on startup is selected (Tools > Options > General > Projects and Solutions) and the project opens from ALM, you cannot run Service Virtualization Designer the next time. The log file contains the following error: “You are not connected to ALM. Connect to ALM and try again.”


    1. Clear Load previous solution on startup. To do this, open the %appdata%\Micro Focus\Service Virtualization Designer\VirtualServiceDesignerProperties.xml file and change the SharpDevelop.LoadPrevProjectOnStartup key to False.

    2. Select Restore connection on startup in the ALM connection dialog box. It will connect to ALM automatically before the project opens during Designer startup.

  • Uploading files to a Service Virtualization resource from the ALM client corrupts the project.

    Observation: In the ALM Resources module, uploading files to a Service Virtualization resource corrupts the Service Virtualization project/service.

    Workaround: Do not upload files to a Service Virtualization resource using the ALM client.

  • LoadRunner locks the user account on the Service Virtualization machine when the LoadRunner and Service Virtualization user names are the same.

    Observation: When logging in to the Service Virtualization machine and the LoadRunner machine using local users with the same name, the user account on the Service Virtualization machine is locked out.

    Workaround: For integration of Service Virtualization with another OpenText test automation tool, follow these recommendations:

    When logging in to the Service Virtualization machine and the integrating tool's machine:

    • do not use local users with the same user names but different passwords
    • it is preferable to log in with domain users only
    • if permitted by your Windows administrative policy, set the Account lockout threshold to 0

    In Windows Performance Monitor on the LoadRunner Professional/LoadRunner Enterprise Controller machine, verify that you are using the correct username, password, and computer name format for the relevant Service Virtualization performance counters.

  • LoadRunner Enterprise does not support secured connection to SV SA server.

    Observation: When adding a virtual service to a LoadRunner Enterprise test, LoadRunner Enterprise cannot connect to a Service Virtualization Server that has secure authentication enabled.

    Workaround: None.

  • FIPS. Encrypted Service Virtualization projects created before version 3.70 cannot be read by Service Virtualization libraries used by LoadRunner/Unified Functional Testing (UFT) integration versions earlier than 12.50.

    This is due to encryption modifications in Service Virtualization 3.70 to enable use on machines with FIPS.

    Workaround: To work with Service Virtualization 3.70 and LoadRunner/Unified Functional Testing (UFT) integration versions earlier than 12.50, change settings in the Designer configuration file VirtualServiceDesigner.exe.config.

    In the following section of the file, set SV.Encryption.Version value to 1.

    <!-- Allows to choose encryption version. Should be kept empty unless really needed.
    		Empty - use most recent version
    		1 - version used before SV 3.70; can be used for instance when project is used in integration scenario 
    		by old versions of LR/UFT (before 12.50); does not work with FIPS!
    		2 - introduced in SV 3.70, works with FIPS
    		<add key="SV.Encryption.Version" value="" />


    • You cannot read or write from/to this project on a machine with FIPS enabled.
    • The problem does not affect .vproja project archive files.

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  • Cannot disable real service when running on a queue on TIBCO EMS.

    Observation: Real service is receiving requests even if virtual service is simulating.

    Workaround: Stop real service before starting simulation.

  • Unable to simulate a service on a TIBCO EMS dynamic destination - limitation of EMS API.

    Observation: Putting a service into Simulation mode generates an error, written to the server log: TIBCO.EMS.ADMIN.AdminSecurityException: Properties of dynamic destinations are not mutable.

    Workaround: Create a destination in EMS for BusinessWorks(BW) service before such service is deployed to a BW Runtime Agent to avoid the creation of dynamic destinations.

  • Cannot virtualize service with Basic authentication and credentials containing non-English characters on HTTP(s) Gateway agent.

    Observation: Virtualization of the service secured with HTTP Basic authentication fails on the HTTP(s) Gateway agent if client credentials contain non-English characters.

    Workaround: Use the HTTP(s) Proxy agent to virtualize the service.

  • Cannot connect to IPv4 address via the HTTP proxy agent.

    Observation: Error message similar to "Bad Request - Invalid Hostname - HTTP Error 400. The request hostname is invalid" appears in browser when trying to connect to a service using an IPv4 address (something like

    Workaround: Either use the service’s host name instead of IPv4 or set the proxy server to HTTP proxy agent’s IPv4 address instead of the host name.

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  • Oracle service generates invalid values for the default rule.

    Observation: Occurs when the service description is being learned and the type of the learned values is unknown (defaults to string values which cannot be translated to numeric values).

    Workaround: In the Data Model Editor, edit values within the default rule so that they can be converted to a numeric value.

  • Cannot start simulation of EMS service with admin login because of "Not allowed to change permissions of specified principal".

    Observation: Putting service into Simulation mode generates an error, written to the server log: TIBCO.EMS.ADMIN.AdminSecurityException: Not allowed to change permissions of specified principal.

    Workaround: Reconfigure the service to avoid using an admin EMS account.

  • Limited support for WebLogic JMS URL.

    Observation: If a JMS virtual service is configured and the WSDL of WebLogic JMS service is imported in Designer’s virtual service wizard, then the WebLogic JMS URL is not parsed correctly and therefore the real destination name (real service endpoint) in the virtual service wizard is not pre-filled automatically.

    Workaround: Manually fill in the real destination name in the virtual service wizard. Note that WebLogic uses specific JMS URI format. Example: jms://myHost:7001/transports/JMSTransport?URI=JMSTransportQueue.

  • Error during simulation of WebSphere JMS service: The value for 'JMS_IBM_Character_Set':'sim_default_JMS_IBM_Character_Set' is not valid.

    Observation: During simulation of a WebSphere JMS service, the client does not receive any response, and Service Virtualization generates an error such as: The value for 'JMS_IBM_Character_Set':'sim_default_JMS_IBM_Character_Set' is not valid.

    Workaround: Open the data model editor for the relevant data model and expand the Default Rule. Either fill in the proper value for the JMS_IBM_Character_Set column in the response, or set as Not Present. Repeat for all necessary operations.

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See also: