Configure the MSMQ agent
Supported for: Windows only
This task describes how to configure the Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) Agent.
Configure the agent
The following Windows feature must be installed on the Service Virtualization machine:
Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server > MSMQ Active Directory Domain Services Integration (for computers joined to a Domain)
For details, refer to Microsoft documentation.
Configure the agent settings
From the main menu, select Tools > Options. On the Agents Page, select Microsoft MQ. For user interface details, see the MSMQ agent settings.
MSMQ agent limitations
Service Virtualization uses Direct Format Names. MSMQ queues and hosts defined in Service Virtualization are converted, as in the following example:
Queue: private$\request.virtual.queue
The following are not supported:
- Different authentication for different MSMQ queues. The same user is used for running the Service Virtualization Server (embedded or standalone) and for authentication of all MSMQ queues defined in virtual MSMQ services on the Service Virtualization Server.
- ActiveX messages over MSMQ
- MSMQ transactions
- MSMQ journaling
- MSMQ extensions
- MSMQ encryption