Work with SVN

This task describes how to work with virtualization projects that are under SVN version control.


  1. Integration with SVN requires that TortoiseSVN version 1.8 is installed on the Service Virtualization Designer machine.
  2. Check in your virtualization project or solution using TortoiseSVN.

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Upgrade your project to the current version of TortoiseSVN

If your Service Virtualization project is under version control using a TortoiseSVN client version earlier than 1.8, you must upgrade your working copy.

In the Virtualization Explorer or in the Projects pane, right-click a solution or project and select SVN Upgrade working copy.

Note: The upgrade process is performed on the complete working copy, even if the virtualization project is only a part of the directory.

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Check out a virtualization project

Your virtualization project must be committed to an SVN repository.

From the main menu, select Versioning > SVN > SVN Checkout. This accesses the TortoiseSVN user interface, and you can proceed to check out a project to the file system.

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Open a version controlled project

You can open a project or solution, or add a project to an existing solution.

  1. Select one of the following:

    • Open an existing project or solution. From the main menu, select Open Project/Solution.
    • Add an existing project to a solution. In the Projects pane, right-click a solution and select Add > Existing Project.

  2. Navigate to and select a checked out project located in the file system.

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Manage version control

When a virtualization project is under version control, standard SVN actions are available in the Service Virtualization Designer.

From the main menu, select Versioning > SVN and select an SVN action from the menu (see list below). The TortoiseSVN user interface opens, enabling you to manage version control for the project.

Commit Commits your changes to the SVN repository.
Revert Undoes changes you made since the last update.
Subversion Opens a sub-menu with additional SVN actions you can perform.

For more details on SVN actions, see the TortoiseSVN documentation.

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View version status

From the main menu, select View > Projects to display the Projects pane. SVN icons indicate the version control status of your project's files.

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Add a Service Virtualization project to an SVN repository

In a non-versioned project, from the main menu, select Versioning > SVN > SVN Import. The TortoiseSVN user interface opens, enabling you to add your project to a repository.

For more details, see the TortoiseSVN documentation.

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See also: