Application timeouts

Problem: Operations from an application that connects to Service Virtualization Server are timing out. Applications could include the Designer, Resource Manager, and other applications such as the OpenText test automation tools (LoadRunner Professional, LoadRunner Enterprise, Unified Functional Testing).

Solution: Modify the timeout setting in the application's configuration file.

  1. Open the relevant application's configuration file. For example:

    • For the Service Virtualization Designer: VirtualServiceDesigner.exe.config, located by default in C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Service Virtualization Designer\Designer\bin.
    • For the Service Virtualization Resource Manager migration tool: ResourceManager.exe.config, located by default in C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Service Virtualization Server\Server\bin.
  2. Add the following key and modify the default timeout value of 5000.

    <add key="SeV.Global.PingTimeout" value="5000" />