What's New in Service Virtualization 5.3

This topic introduces the new features and improvements in Service Virtualization 5.3.

Design, simulation and protocol enhancements

This release includes the following design, simulation and protocol enhancements:

  • Data Model Usability. Redesigned the way information is highlighted in the data model to quickly understand the overall setup of request and response functions in a visual way.

  • Message Logging. Introduced ability to export and import logged messages into an SV project, making Virtual Service debugging and collaboration easier. Introduced database as a storage for all logged Virtual Service messages. Added an option to view logged request and response messages as they were received before SV processing.

  • Service Call Activities. Added ability to define the After Response Service Call Activity Delay parameter per data model row. All After Response Service Call Activity responses are now logged.

  • Messaging Protocols. Virtual Services with messaging protocols (for example, MQ, JMS) can now listen and send messages to multiple request and response queues.

  • WebSphere MQ. Added ability to connect to multiple Queue Managers with different CCSID with the possibility to change it at runtime. The Queue Manager name is now required only for local connections. Added support for SSL.

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SV Lab enhancements

This release includes the following SV Lab enhancements:

  • Data Driving. Introduced Virtual Service scenarios' data driving by importing JSON files into VSL (Virtual Service Language).
  • Simulation Runtime. Added numerous enhancements to SV Lab simulation runtime:
    • Adjusted simulation algorithm to prefer matching operation responses in the context of stateless simulation, and using correct variable values.

    • Added message diffs into run log.

    • Improved handling of nested variables.

    • Improved handling of schema changes during learning and simulation.

    • Enhanced parameter and syntax validation during VSL compilation.

    • Restricted simulation runs for Virtual Services without scenarios.

  • Learning. Improved learning of variables, application scenario variables, and scenario parameters when updating existing scenarios.
  • HTTP Proxy Connector. Added transparent proxy behavior into the HTTP/HTTPS connector.
  • REST. Improved modeling and simulation of REST with the following capabilities:
    • Improved path parameter handling and learning, Simulation variables can now be used as path parameters.

    • Improved asynchronous request/response timing.

    • Improved primitive JSON string request and/or response support.

    • Added long integer support in JSON.

  • SV Lab Run Log Viewer. Added scenario start timestamp, diffs, phantom responses, and stateless simulation diffs into SV Lab Run Log Viewer.
  • SV Lab Server. Expanded JVM heap size to 4GB by default.

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Other improvements

This release includes the following other improvements:

  • Platform. Updated runtime to .NET Core v3.1 improving security and performance, improved SV Management Interface security, and added support for Windows 2019 Server.

  • Bug fixes and Usability. Improved stability, performance, and fixed issues in SV Designer, SV Server and SV Lab.

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See also: