Keyboard shortcuts

The following tables describe the TruClient shortcut keys on Windows keyboards.

In this topic:

File menu shortcuts

The File menu has the following shortcuts:

  Action Shortcut keys   Description

Alt + O

Open an existing script.

Alt + N

Create a new script.

Ctrl + Alt + S

Save a script.
Save As

Ctrl + Alt + A

Save a script with a new name or location.

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Search bar shortcuts

The following table lists the shortcuts for the search bar:

Action Shortcut keys Description

Ctrl + F


Shift + F3

Ctrl + Shift + G

/ (forward slash)

' (single quote)

Open the Search bar.

When the search bar is open:

Action Shortcut keys Description
Hide search bar


Hide the search bar.
Next result F3 Move to the next search result.
Previous result

Shift + F3

Ctrl + Shift + G

Move to the previous search result.
Shift focus to text search

Ctrl + F

Move the focus to the text search bar and to matching results (if text was entered).
Shift focus to text search (search whole script) Ctrl + Shift + F Set search scope to Whole Script and move the focus to the search bar and to matching results (if text was entered).

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Context menu shortcuts

The following table lists the context menu shortcuts:

Action Child element Shortcut keys Description
Play this step   l (F7) Replay the selected step.
Play from this step   F Replay the script starting from the selected step.
Play until this step   U Replay the script from the beginning until the selected step.


Begin recording a script.
Before step B Begin recording before the selected step.
Into step I Begin recording into the selected step.
After step A Begin recording after the selected step.
Toggle breakpoint   B (F9) Insert a breakpoint into the script.
Start transaction  

i (Ctrl + Alt + T)

Insert a start transaction.
Surround with transaction   w Surround selected steps with a transaction.
End transaction   o  
Group steps   G Group selected steps into a group.
Group into   u Open the group into action.
If clause I Group selected steps into an If Clause.
For loop clause


Group selected steps into a For loop clause.
New function N Group selected steps into a new function.
Action A Group selected steps into a new Action.
Cut   t (Ctrl + X) Cut selected steps.
Copy   C (Ctrl + C) Copy selected steps.
Paste   P (Ctrl + V) Paste selected steps.
Paste before B Paste before selected step.
Paste into I Paste into a selected step.
Paste after A Paste after a selected step.
Export steps   x (Ctrl + Alt + Q) Export selected steps.
Import steps   m (Ctrl + Alt + W) Paste selected steps, that have been exported, into a second script.
Delete   D Delete a step from the script.
Enable/Disable   / (Ctrl + /) Toggles between enabling and disabling the selected step.
Enable   n (Shift + /) Enables the selected steps.
Disable   s (Alt + /) Disables the selected steps.
Edit step  

E (Ctrl + Alt + O)

Expand the step to display step, argument and transaction properties.
Fold all steps   (Alt + 0) Minimize all steps and groups.
Unfold all steps   (Alt + Shift + 0) Display all steps and groups.
Reset Auto End Event   (Ctrl + Alt + B) Enables you to reset the selected step or steps to Automatic: Not Yet Set.
Change Object Identification Method   I Enables changing the object identification method to Automatic, XPath, JavaScript, or Descriptors.

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Toolbar shortcuts

The following table lists the toolbar shortcuts:

Action Shortcut keys Description
Step Ctrl + Alt + K Opens the Steps box, enabling you to add steps to a TruClient script.

Ctrl + Alt + R

Begin recording a script.

Ctrl + Alt + F5

Replay/pause the script.
Play selected step F7 Replay the selected step.
Replay step by step F8 Replay the script step by step, pausing the replay after each step.

Ctrl + Alt + X

Stop recording or replaying the script.
Toggle breakpoint F9 Toggle breakpoint on the selected step.
Toggle step state Ctrl + / Toggle the selected steps state (Disable/Enable).
Transaction editor

Ctrl + Alt + F7

Open the Transaction editor.
Snapshot viewer

Ctrl + Alt + V

Open the snapshot viewer.

Ctrl + X

Cut the selected step or steps.

Ctrl + C

Copy the selected step or steps.
Paste before

Ctrl + Alt + P

Paste before the selected step.
Paste after

Ctrl + V

Paste after the selected step.
Paste into

Ctrl + Alt + I

Paste into the selected step.
Delete Del Delete the selected step.

Ctrl + F

Open the Search bar.

Ctrl + G

Go to the specified step.

Ctrl + Z

Undo last action.

Ctrl + Y

Redo last undo.

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