Convert a TruClient script to a Web HTTP/HTML script
Script development with TruClient is fast, but fewer Vusers can be run with TruClient than with Web HTTP/HTML. You can combine the advantage of fast script development and the advantage of running many Vusers by developing your script with TruClient and then converting it to a VuGen Web HTTP/HTML script.
You must understand the VuGen Web HTTP/HTML protocol to successfully replay the script.
To develop in TruClient and convert to Web, follow these steps:
- Create a TruClient script. For details, see Record a TruClient script.
- Save the script and close the TruClient windows.
- From the VuGen toolbar, click the
Convert button to convert the script.
After the script is generated, review the script, keeping in mind that the Web HTTP/HTML protocol records on the transport level. For example, you may need to address correlation or parameter issues in your converted script.
To help you understand the new script, during the conversion, comments and APIs are added to the Web HTTP/HTML protocol script that document the conversion process.
When you add a converted script to a scenario, VuGen offers to create a new Vuser group for the script, provided that the original TruClient script is in the specified path. Having a separate group enables you to view its results separately.
Conversion of TruClient scripts to Web HTTP/HTML scripts does not support converting steps that call (localhost) address.