Connect to UFT Mobile or local mobile devices

This topic describes how to connect UFT One to your UFT Mobile lab or to the UFT One Mobile Add-in for Local Device service.

Define your Mobile Options pane details

  1. In UFT, browse to Tools > OptionsGUI Testing > Mobile.

  2. Select whether to connect to UFT Mobile or to a local device.

    UFT Mobile. Connects to a UFT Mobile server and supports all of UFT One's mobile testing capabilities.

    Local device testing. Uses the UFT Mobile Add-in for Local Device to provide basic mobile testing on devices connected to the UFT One machine, one device at a time.

  3. Define your mobile connection.

    Expand one of the options below for details on defining the connection:

  4. Click Test Connection

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Troubleshoot your connection

If your connection fails, try any of the following:

  • Check the connection details defined

  • Check the network connection

  • UFT Mobile: Verify that the UFT Mobile is available and accessible, and that the port specified for UFT Mobile is available.

    UFT Mobile Add-in for Local Device: Make sure the Mobile Add-in service is running, and that the specified port is available.

  • If you are trying to connect to a specific UFT Mobile project, verify that your project is configured correctly on a mutli-project enabled server. For more details, see the UFT Mobile Help.

Accessing your UFT Mobile device connector

If your connection test succeeds, but you are still unable to show the remote access window with the device, check that the device connector is accessible.

If you have a proxy defined and are unable to access the device connector, define your proxy as follows instead:

  • UFT One Options dialog box. Select the Use proxy settings option, and select the System Proxy type.

  • Internet Options. Add the IP address of your device connector as an exception in your machine's Internet Options proxy settings (Connections > LAN settings > Proxy server > Advanced).

    For example:

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See also: