Object identification process workflow

Relevant for: GUI tests and components

UFT One object identification follows the following flow:


Description properties

UFT One first looks to see if the test's object description properties finds any matching objects. UFT One may find one or more matching objects; if it finds none, the object is not identified.

2 Visual Relation Identifiers (VRI)

UFT One then checks to see if there are any VRIs defined, and if so, if the help identify a specific object.

If a specific object is identified, the flow is complete.

3 Smart Identification

If no VRIs were defined, or if many objects were identified using the defined VRIs, UFT One checks to see if Smart Identification is defined and enabled.

If Smart Identification identifies a single object, again the flow is complete.

However, if VRIs were defined and there is still no object identified, the flow is complete without identifying an object, and UFT One does not attempt again.

4 Ordinal Identifier

If several or no objects were yet identified, and there were no VRIs defined, UFT One finally checks for an ordinal identifier.

This is UFT One's last attempt to identify a single object, and if it is successful, the flow is complete.

If there is no ordinal identifier, or if several or no objects are identified, the flow is complete without identifying an object, and UFT One does not attempt again.

Note for Web-based objects:

  • If you defined Web object identifiers (such as XPath/CSS properties) for these test objects, they are used before the description properties. If one or more objects are found, UFT One continues to identify the object using the description properties. For details, see the section on Web Object Identifiers (described in the Add-ins section of the UFT One Help Center).

  • Additional UFT One-generated properties, such as source index or automatic XPath, may also affect the object identification process. You enable these properties in the Advanced Web Options tab of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > Web > Advanced node).