Terminal Emulator Configuration Adjustments Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to make adjustments to existing terminal emulator configuration settings. This is required only in exceptional circumstances. In the majority of cases, UFT One works successfully with terminal emulators using the supplied preconfigured settings and with the configuration settings defined using the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard.

Caution: Do not change the configuration settings using the options in this dialog box unless you have a good understanding of your terminal emulator and of the impact that such changes may have on your tests or business components.

To access
  1. Do one of the following:

    • Ensure that a GUI test, action, or component is in focus in the document pane.

    • In the Solution Explorer, select a GUI test or component node or one of its child nodes.

  2. Select Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > Terminal Emulator node.

  3. Select an emulator and click Adjust Configuration,

Important information

The choice of options displayed in this dialog box depends on the type of terminal emulator selected in the Terminal Emulator pane.

The majority of the options in this dialog box are specific to the terminal emulator selected in the Terminal Emulator pane of the Options dialog. The values for these emulator-specific options are saved with the selected emulator. For example, if you specify an HLLAPI DLL file other than the default file, the specified file is used only for the selected emulator.

For a few options, the value is saved and applied regardless of the emulator selected in the Terminal Emulator pane of the Options dialog. For example, if you select not to record menus and dialog boxes, UFT One keeps this setting even if you select a different emulator.

Relevant tasks

You modify options that are displayed as bullets by clicking the text and modifying the value when the text becomes an editable box. For details, see Change configuration settings.

See also

Manage terminal emulator configuration settings

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Emulator Settings

The following options enable you to define configuration settings that cannot be changed using the wizard:

  • Auto-advance fields supported. Auto-advance fields allow an application to proceed automatically to the next screen or field after input of a predefined number of characters without pressing ENTER or another key.

    If your emulator supports auto-advance fields, select this check box to enable UFT One to record Set statements on these fields.

    Displayed for: Emulators that support HLLAPI.

  • Number of blank lines at bottom of screen. Some emulators reserve blank lines at the bottom of the screen. If the screen size changes, these lines may distort UFT One's calculation of field locations. This option enables you to specify the number of blank lines at the bottom of the emulator screen. We recommend using the Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard to configure this setting, but you can also modify the setting using this option.

    Enter the number of lines that your emulator reserves at the bottom of the screen. UFT One includes this value in its algorithm for identifying field locations.

  • Code page number (IBM PCOMM only). If you are using an IBM PCOMM emulator with a language other than English, enter the code page number for this language. For example, for the German language keyboard, enter the value 1252. To use the default code page conversion, specify 0. To view a list of languages and their code page numbers, select Regional Options in the Windows Control Panel and select the Advanced button in the General tab.

    UFT One uses this code page to correctly identify the keys you record.

HLLAPI Settings

The following options enable you to define configuration settings for the selected emulator. They are displayed only for emulators that support HLLAPI.

  • HLLAPI .dll file. UFT One uses the HLLAPI DLL file specified for this emulator to connect to the emulator and to retrieve data concerning its current status.

    If you are using a customized version of a preconfigured emulator, you may need to specify a different DLL file name.

  • HLLAPI function name. The HLLAPI DLL for this emulator uses this function as the entry point for all HLLAPI calls.

    If you are using a customized version of a preconfigured emulator, you may need to specify a different function name.

  • Argument size for HLLAPI function. For most emulators, the HLLAPI function receives 16-bit (word) arguments. For some emulators, such as IBM PCOMM, the HLLAPI function receives 32-bit (integer) arguments.

    Select the correct argument size for the selected emulator: word (16 bits) or integer (32 bits).

  • Execute HLLAPI calls from multiple threads. Some emulators allow HLLAPI calls from multiple threads, while others require all HLLAPI calls to be executed from the same thread. (Selected by default for a preconfigured emulator configuration.)

    Clear this check box to instruct UFT One to open a separate process for HLLAPI calls and to execute all HLLAPI calls from this single thread.

  • Warn if HLLAPI dll file not found. Instructs UFT One to display a warning message when the HLLAPI DLL file for the current configuration cannot be found. For example, UFT One warns you if you try to use the Terminal Emulator Add-in before you have installed the emulator itself.

    If you clear this check box and UFT One cannot find the required DLL file, it may be difficult to determine why UFT One is not recording successfully. It is therefore recommended that you leave this option selected.

    Applies to: All terminal emulator configurations, regardless of the currently selected emulator.

Object Identification Settings

The following options enable you to configure the way UFT One identifies objects for the selected terminal emulator:

  • Identify screen label using all characters. The label property value is used to identify the TeScreen test object. The location and length of the label are defined for the selected emulator in the Terminal Emulator pane. For more details, see Terminal Emulator Pane (Options Dialog Box > GUI Testing Tab).

    By default, only the protected characters in the defined label area are captured for the label property value.

    Select this option if you want UFT One to capture all the characters in the label area for the label property, including any unprotected or hidden characters that may form part of the label.

  • Identify emulator window based on title bar prefix. UFT One normally identifies the emulator window by its object class. With a user-defined configuration, the class name may not be unique. For example, an emulator may use a generic class name, such as Afx. In such cases, you can instruct UFT One to identify the window based on a static prefix in the window title bar.

    To instruct UFT One to use a prefix to identify the correct window, specify the text string for the prefix.

    When no value is specified, UFT One uses the object class to identify the emulator window.

Record Settings

The following options enable you to configure the way UFT One records operations:

  • Communicate with server using these keys. When recording without HLLAPI support, UFT One inserts Sync steps after specified keys are pressed, to synchronize the communication between the emulator and the server. The keys are identified by their virtual key codes.

    Default: ENTER key—virtual key code value: 13 (0D Hex). You can specify different or additional keys. For example, you can add the CTRL key—virtual key code value: 17 (11 Hex).

    Specify the decimal value of the virtual key code for each key, separated by a semicolon (;). UFT One inserts a Sync step whenever one of these keys is pressed. For more details on synchronization, see Synchronize steps on terminal emulators.

    For a list of virtual key codes, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd375731(VS.85).aspx. The list on the MSDN page displays the Hex values for each key code. You must convert the value to decimal and specify the decimal value of the key codes when you add them to the list for this option.

    Applies to: All terminal emulator configurations, regardless of the currently selected emulator.

  • Record operations on menus and dialog boxes. By default, UFT One records operations on the menus of the terminal emulator window and the dialog boxes that open as a result of these menu option selections.

    Clear this check box if you do not want UFT One to record these menu and dialog box operations. For example, you may not want emulator-specific menu and dialog box steps in your test or business component if cross-emulator compatibility is important, or if these steps are not relevant to your test or business component.

    Applies to: All terminal emulator configurations, regardless of the currently selected emulator.

  • Record mode. In Text screen mode, UFT One records operations as TeTextScreen steps, based on the screen coordinates. In Context-sensitive mode, UFT One records field operations as TeField steps.

    By default, all preconfigured terminal emulators and user-defined emulators configured as fully supporting HLLAPI are set to context-sensitive mode. Select Text screen mode if you are using an emulator that supports HLLAPI and you want to test in terms of coordinates instead of TeField objects.

    You can use the wizard to change the mode for a user-defined terminal emulator. For more details, see Terminal Emulator Configuration Wizard Overview.

    For emulators that do not support HLLAPI and those configured as supporting text-only HLLAPI operations, UFT One always uses Text screen mode and this option is not available.

  • Record steps without synchronizing. By default, when UFT One recognizes a user operation in the terminal emulator application, such as keyboard input or a mouse click, UFT One suspends the processing of the user input in the application. After the recorded statement is added to the test or business component script and the Active Screen information has been saved, UFT One releases the emulator and allows it to process the user input.

    Some emulators, such as IBM PCOMM, do not support running HLLAPI while user input processing is suspended, and require UFT One to release the emulator process before executing HLLAPI calls.

    If you experience unexpected behavior while trying to record, you may need to select this option. For example, there may be no response from UFT One or the emulator (or both). If you do select this option, make sure that you allow sufficient time for UFT One to record each step before performing another operation.

  • Record cursor position. When recording in a text screen or field, UFT One uses TeTextScreen.ClickPosition or TeField.SetCursorPos to record the cursor position.

    Clear this check box if you do not want to record the cursor position in your test or business component.

    Applies to: All terminal emulator configurations.

  • Trim trailing spaces in fields. When recording in Context-sensitive mode, fields may contain trailing spaces or other "white characters", such as tab symbols.

    Select this check box to instruct UFT One to trim these characters. If you select this option, specify the minimum length of fields to be trimmed. Fields containing fewer than the specified number of characters remain unchanged. The default is 5 characters.

    Clear the check box to leave the field content unchanged.

    Displayed for: Emulators that support HLLAPI.

  • Use property patterns. Select this check box to use property patterns to record regular expressions in description properties, such as for date and time values in a screen label.

    For more details on property patterns, see Using Property Patterns to Identify Objects (Advanced) in PropPattern.htm. This file is located in the help subfolder of the UFT One installation folder.

    You can accept the default property pattern configuration file, change its contents, or specify a different property pattern configuration file. The default file is designed for applications where the current time forms part of the screen label. It defines regular expressions that replace the current time in the screen label, creating a reliable description and readable name for the screen.

    Applies to: All terminal emulator configurations, regardless of the currently selected emulator.

Run Settings

The following options enable you to configure the way UFT One runs tests or business components for the selected terminal emulator, if the emulator supports HLLAPI:

  • Beep when Sync operations are performed. Indicates whether UFT One beeps after performing each Sync operation during a run session.

    Applies to: All terminal emulator configurations, regardless of the currently selected emulator.

  • Run steps containing special emulator keys using keyboard events. Instructs UFT One to perform SendKey commands using keyboard events. If you do not use this option to specify key codes, UFT One performs SendKey commands using the corresponding HLLAPI function.

    Some emulators, for example, Micro Focus Extra!, recognize the RESET command while the emulator is busy only when it is sent using keyboard events. In the Keys for RESET function option, specify the keyboard combination of the virtual key code by specifying the decimal value of each key in the code, separated by semicolons (;).

  • Time between emulator status checks (in milliseconds). During a Sync step, UFT One waits the specified period of time before checking the emulator status. UFT One repeats these checks at the specified interval until the emulator status changes to Ready (or until the Sync timeout is reached), and then continues with the run session. For more details on synchronization, see Synchronize steps on terminal emulators.

    Specify the interval (in milliseconds) between emulator status checks.

    Default: 200

    Specifying a very long interval could significantly increase the time your tests or business components take to run.