Install and configure the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension on Mac

This task describes installing and configuring the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension on Mac.

UFT One version 2021 R1 and earlier: This task also describes installing the UFT Connection Agent, which is required to work with the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension.

Install the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension

The Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension enables UFT One to test and spy on web applications running in a Safari browser.

To install the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension:

  1. Install the Micro Focus UFT Agent extension from the Mac App Store (requires Apple ID sign-in).

    If you do not have access to the store, you can install the extension from <UFT installation folder>\Installations\Safari\OpenTextUFTAgent.dmg. For details on installing software from a .dmg file, see the Mac documentation.

  2. Configure and enable the Micro Focus UFT Agent extension.

    1. Configure the Micro Focus UFT Agent extension, see Configure the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension preferences.

    2. In Safari's Preferences > Extensions tab, select the check box for the Micro Focus UFT Agent extension in the list of extensions.

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Configure the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension preferences

This section describes how to configure the Micro Focus UFT Agent extension preferences.

  1. In the Applications folder, double-click Micro Focus UFT Agent.

  2. Modify any of the following preferences (separately for each Mac user):


    Port: The port on which UFT One communicates with the Micro Focus UFT Agent. (Default: 8822)

    Note: This number must match the port number defined in UFT One for initiating the remote connection to the Mac.

    Mode: Select UFT.

    URL for new tab: The URL that a new tab, opened by Browser.OpenNewTab, navigates to automatically. Default:

    Note: The URL must start with http:// or https://

    UFT Connection
    • Passphrase. The passphrase that UFT One must use for authentication when initiating a remote connection to the Mac computer.

      This string must match the passphrase defined in UFT One's Remote Connection pane in the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > GUI Testing > Remote Connection).

      The passphrase can be empty, but a long and complicated passphrase that is difficult to guess provides better security.

    • Use SSL. Indicates that UFT One must use SSL when initiating the connection to the Mac computer.

      If you select this option, then:

      • The Use SSL option, available in UFT One when initiating a remote connection, must also be selected.
      • You must specify the paths to the SSL certificate file and SSL private key file to use for the communication.

      • In UFT One (Tools > Options > GUI Testing > Remote Connection), specify the CA certificate file that UFT One can use to validate the SSL certificate file.

    Agent log level. The level of information to save in the Micro Focus UFT Agent log (For example: Fatal, Error, Warning, Debug).

  3. Click Apply to save your changes and then restart Safari for your changes to take effect.

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Uninstall the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension

This section describes how to remove the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension.

To uninstall the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension

  1. Quit the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension.

  2. In the Applications folder, delete the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension.

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Install the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension

Before you install the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension, you must install the UFT Connection Agent.

The UFT Connection Agent communicates with the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension and enables UFT One to test and spy on web applications running in Safari.

This section describes how to install the UFT Connection Agent and Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension.

Note: If you have already installed the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension, do not update the extension from the App Store.


  • You must have administrator permissions to install the UFT Connection Agent.
  • You must have Python 3.8 or later installed. Make sure that the Python interpreter can be accessed by the /usr/local/bin/python3 command.
  • All Mac users that use the UFT Connection Agent must have the agent installed in their Mac user account.

To install the UFT Connection Agent:

  1. Copy the installer image file (UFTConnectionAgentWithSafariAppExtension.dmg) from the <UFT One installation folder>/Installations/Safari folder to the Mac.

  2. Open the UFTConnectionAgentWithSafariAppExtension.dmg image file.

  3. Double-click UFT Connection Agent.pkg to start the installation wizard.

    Click OK on the warning message that the old extension is no longer supported.

The UFT Connection Agent runs automatically after installation and after each restart of the Mac computer. It communicates with UFT One on the one hand and the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension on the other.

To install the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension:

  1. Copy the installer image file (MicroFocusUFTAgent.dmg) from the <UFT One installation folder>/Installations/Safari folder to the Mac.

  2. Double-click the MicroFocusUFTAgent.dmg image file to install the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension.

    Note: The Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension you install from the installation folder is an unsigned version. You must configure Safari to allow unsigned extensions every time you start Safari.

  3. Configure and enable the Micro Focus UFT Agent:

    1. Configure the agent and extension preferences.

    2. In Safari's Preferences > Extensions tab, select the check box for the Micro Focus UFT Agent extension in the list of extensions.

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Configure the agent and extension preferences

This section describes how to configure the UFT Connection Agent and Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension preferences and how to check or modify the status of the UFT Connection Agent.

To configure the UFT Connection Agent preferences

  1. In the System Preferences, click on Micro Focus UFT Connection Agent.

  2. Modify any of the following preferences (separately for each Mac user):

    Safari port

    The port on which the UFT Connection Agent communicates with the Micro Focus UFT Agent extension. (Default: 8823)

    Note: You can modify this port number in the Micro Focus UFT Agent preferences too, but then you need to open and re-apply the UFT Connection Agent preferences.

    UFT port

    The port on which UFT One communicates with the UFT Connection Agent. (Default: 8822)

    This number must match the number defined in UFT One for initiating the remote connection to the Mac.

    Security Configuration
    • Passphrase. The passphrase that UFT One must use for authentication when initiating a remote connection to the Mac computer.

      This string must match the passphrase defined in UFT One's Remote Connection pane in the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > GUI Testing > Remote Connection).

      The passphrase can be empty, but a long and complicated passphrase that is difficult to guess provides better security.

    • Use SSL. Indicates that UFT One must use SSL when initiating the connection to the Mac computer.

      If you select this option, then:

      • The Use SSL option, available in UFT One when initiating a remote connection, must also be selected.

      • You must specify the paths to the SSL certificate file to use for the communication and its SSL private key.

        These files must be accessible to the UFT Connection Agent when it sets up the connection. (Chain certificate files are also supported)

      • In UFT One (Tools > Options > GUI Testing > Remote Connection), specify the CA certificate that UFT One can use to validate the SSL certificate file when received from the UFT Connection Agent.

    Log Messages Configuration

    Log folder. The location to save the log files.

    Make sure that you have write permission to the selected location.

    Agent log level. The level of information to save in the UFT Connection Agent log (For example: Fatal, Error, Warning, Debug).

    UFT Safari extension logs. This setting is obsolete.

  3. Make sure the Safari browser is closed and then click Apply & Save to save your changes and restart the agent with the new preferences.

    The agent's status is displayed in the UFT Connection Agent preference pane.

    Check the status to make sure the agent runs successfully with the new preferences. If it does not, check the UFTAgent.log file for problem details.

    Tip: If you want to restart the UFT Connection Agent for any reason, run the following commands:

    $ launchctl unload $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/com.hp.osx.uft.daemon.plist
    $ launchctl load $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/com.hp.osx.uft.daemon.plist

To configure the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension preferences

  1. Open the configuration dialog box:

    1. In the Applications folder, double-click Micro Focus UFT Agent.

      Before you can modify any settings, you must select the path to the Configuration file at the bottom of the dialog box.

    2. Click Select, browse to the following file path: Users > $HOME > Library > UFTDaemon > RemoteAgentConfig.xml, and click Open. (If you installed the UFT Connection Agent.pkg in a non-default location, browse the file in the installation folder you used.)

      Note: In some cases, you cannot see any values in the Micro Focus UFT Agent configuration dialog box until you select this file.

  2. Modify any of the following preferences (separately for each Mac user):

    Safari port

    The port on which the UFT Connection Agent communicates with the Micro Focus UFT Agent extension. (Default: 8823)

    Note: It is more convenient to set this in the UFT Connection Agent preferences. If you modify this port number in the Micro Focus UFT Agent preferences, you then need to open and re-apply the UFT Connection Agent preferences.

    URL for new tab

    The URL that a new tab, opened by Browser.OpenNewTab, navigates to automatically. Default:

    Note: The URL must start with http:// or https://

    Log Messages Configuration

    Agent log level. The level of information to save in the Micro Focus UFT Agent log (For example: Fatal, Error, Warning, Debug).

    The log is saved in the SafariAppExtension.log file in the Users > $HOME > Library > Containers > com.microfocus.uft.agent > Data folder. Make sure you have write permissions for this folder.

  3. Click Apply to save your changes and then restart Safari for your changes to take effect.

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Troubleshoot the UFT Connection Agent

This section describes how to troubleshoot problems when you are using the UFT Connection Agent.

Scenario Solution
Agent in not running status after you update its preferences

Check the UFTAgent.log file for problem details.

For example, the ports you specified might be busy. They may be used by another application, or they may be in use by a UFT Connection Agent installed on the Mac under another user's account.

Alternatively, you might have entered a port number that is restricted by Apple. Consult the Apple support site regarding restricted or blocked ports.

UFT One fails to connect to the Mac Make sure that the security settings defined in UFT One match those defined in the UFT Connection Agent. For more details, see Secure the communication with the remote Mac computer.
UFT One fails to run tests or to recognize that it is installed on the Mac
  • Make sure that Safari port number defined in the UFT Connection Agent preferences, matches the Remote Agent Port number defined in the Micro Focus UFT Agent extension.

    Make sure that the UFT port number defined in the UFT Connection Agent preferences, matches the number defined in UFT One for initiating the remote connection to the Mac.

  • Make sure that you are not using a port number that is blocked by Safari. Consult the Apple support site regarding restricted or blocked ports.
Removed the Micro Focus UFT Agent extension, or the UFT Connection Agent preferences pane

Reinstall the UFT Connection Agent on the Mac

Reinstalling the UFT Connection Agent resets its preferences to their defaults. Make sure to update the preferences, if necessary, so that the correct port numbers are defined in the agent preferences and in the Safari extension.

Log option set to OFF

If you turn on the UFT One Safari extension logs, and when you save the preferences, the log option is set to OFF, check the SafariLog.log file for problem details.

For example, the port used for these logs is the Safari port + 1. If this port is busy, the remote logger service fails.

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Uninstall the agent and extension

This section describes how to remove both the UFT Connection Agent and Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension.

To uninstall the UFT Connection Agent and Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension

  1. Uninstall the UFT Connection Agent

    1. Open the UFTConnectionAgentWithSafariAppExtension.dmg image file.

    2. Double-click Uninstall to remove the agent from your Mac.

  2. Remove the Micro Focus UFT Agent Safari extension: 

    1. Quit the Micro Focus UFT Agent App.

    2. In the Applications folder, delete Micro Focus UFT Agent.

Note: If Safari or the System Preferences pane are open when you uninstall the agent, reopen them for the uninstallation to take effect.

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See also: