Known issues - Web-Based Application Support

This topic contains general troubleshooting and limitation information about UFT One Web-based application support.

In this topic:

Test objects, methods, and properties

Class Name property

Web test objects do not support the Class Name description property.

If you try to run a ChildObjects(<Descr>) step on a Web object, and the Descr argument includes the Class Name property, a General Run Error message is displayed.

Workaround: Use the micclass property in the Descr argument.

Recording drag/drop steps

If you record drag and drop steps on a Web element within the same frame, the test steps may fail during the run session if the screen resolution is not identical to the screen resolution during the recording session.

This is because the target location coordinates may be different for different screen resolutions.

Workaround: If this problem occurs, adjust the Drop coordinates according to the new location.

Edit fields UFT One records changes in the edit field only on <input type="file"> tags. Browsing operations are not recorded.
Click method does not run correctly

In the following cases, a Click step may not run correctly: 

  • Clicks on form tags of type POST.
  • Clicks on objects in applications that require the isTrusted web event property value to be True.

Workaround: If this problem occurs, change the replay type before the click to Run by mouse operations using:

Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2.

We recommend returning the replay type to the default (Run by Events) setting after the click step: Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 1.

Clicks on object may not performed appropriately but the step is passed.

xpath and css description properties
  • Defining xpath and css properties using Frame HTML tags is not supported.

    This may cause incorrect identification when identifying Frame objects or retrieving Frame objects using the ChildObjects method.

  • xpath and css properties are not supported for .NET Web Forms test objects or for other Web-based test objects that have .NET Web Forms parent test objects.

  • The xpath property does not support regular expressions

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Creating and running tests

JavaScript methods

For UFT One to run JavaScript methods, the security settings in your browser must be set to allow active scripting.

(In Internet Explorer, for example, you can find these security settings under: Tools > Internet Options > Security > Custom Level > Scripting > Active scripting.)

This is relevant if your test steps include RunScript or EmbedScript methods, or if you are working with test objects supported using Web Add-in Extensibility, such as Web 2.0 test objects.

Password fields

If you use the Tab key when recording password fields in the AutoComplete dialog box, UFT One may record incorrectly.

Workaround: Press ENTER after entering the user name or click the button for logging in.

Multiple browser tabs

When UFT One opens a browser, it may not correctly recognize multiple tabs that were opened and saved from a previous browser session.

Workaround: If multiple tabs are required, open them during the run session by adding the relevant steps to your test or business component.

Maintenance mode

When running in Maintenance Mode, UFT One may replace test objects with XPath or css identifier property values with new objects from your application.

Workaround: Use the Update from Application option in the Object Repository Manager to update specific test objects with XPath or css identifier property values.

Data driving browser parameters

If you are data driving your test using the Data Pane, and leave the Browser parameter value blank, UFT One runs that iteration with the values defined in the Record and Run Settings dialog box.

For more details, see Desktop web testing parameter values.

Chrome emulator

In the Record and Run settings Web tab, you can select Chrome emulator as the browser to open for your test.

The following functionalities are not supported on emulated Chrome browsers:

  • AI-based testing

  • Mouse replay mode (Tools > Options > GUI Testing > Web > Advanced > Replay type)

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Registering browsers

UFT One supports applications with embedded browsers only for applications that embed Internet Explorer.

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  • When recording on certain types of applications on Internet Explorer, for example Oracle ADF applications or applications built with Smart GWT, UFT One can experience unexpected results.
  • When recording on the Chrome Emulator included in Windows 10 version 1909, sometimes unexpected cursor movements occur.


    1. Go to EmulatedDevices.xml under %UFT One installation path%/bin folder
    2. Locate the device you recorded on. Change the value of the <touch> field from true to false.

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Checkpoints, Output Values, and the Active Screen

Checkpoints on page source / HTML tags

Checkpoints on page source/HTML tags cannot be inserted from the Active Screen and must be inserted while recording. These checkpoints may fail during the first run session.

Workaround: Perform an update run (Run > Update Run Mode) of your test or business component before you run a test or business component that includes a page source/HTML tag checkpoint.

Applications with browser controls

If you insert checkpoints from the Active Screen when you are working with an application containing a browser control instead of a Web browser, your checkpoints may fail.

Workaround: Insert checkpoints while recording.

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Working with multiple browsers

CSS values in multiple browsers

When running tests, UFT One retrieves CSS property values from the browser itself.

If your test must run on multiple browsers, keep in mind that different browsers may have different CSS functionality and return different property values for the same object.

Browsers slow to load

If a step intended to be run on a second browser runs before the second browser finishes loading, UFT One will run the step on the first browser instead.

This may cause the step to fail. To prevent the steps from failing, insert a Wait() statement before the first step on the second browser to enable the second browser to finish loading.

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Web Accessibility Toolkit

GWT Web apps

When recording on a Web applications created with Google Web Tools (GWT) using the Chrome emulator browser, the application can experience unexpected behavior, including becoming non-responsive to your actions.

Workaround: Enable touch events in Chrome:

  1. In Chrome, navigate to the address chrome://flags.

  2. In the Enable touch events option, set the option to Enabled.


For WebTabStrip objects, the selected item property returns an empty value unless you add the aria-selected or aria-activedescendant properties to the tab strip object in your application.

Drag and drop Drag and Drop methods are not supported for role-based controls.

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See also: