Known issues - Running tests from Bamboo

This topic includes known issues and troubleshooting items for working with the the App Delivery Management Bamboo CI Plugin.

Security and remote testing

Server options

In the Security and Permission options for the server, you must clear the Enable XSRF protection option before running tests on your Bamboo server.

Remote hosts

If you are running a test on a remote host, you must restart the Bamboo remote agent on the remote computer after installing UFT One to detect new capabilities of the remote agent machine.

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Specific tasks

See the following known issues related to specific types of tasks:

Task name Known issue
ALM Lab Management Environment Preparation Configuration

The ALM server must be accessible from server machine.

ALM Execution

If you receive an error the first time you run a test with this task, you need to install the TD connectivity tool. The link to install this tool can be found in the build log.

If the same error occurs on subsequent test runs, you must reregister the ALM client on the server machine.

For details on how to install the TD connectivity tool or register the ALM client, see the ALM Help Center.

UFT One File System Execution

MC Application Upload

If your build failed to create the UFT File System Execution or MC Application Upload tasks, try to disable the XSRF protection as follows:

  1. Click the Administration button and select Overview.

  2. Select Security Settings under the SECURITY section.

  3. Click Edit and clear the Enable XSRF protection option.

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See also: