Parameter Options Dialog Box
Relevant for: GUI tests
This dialog box enables you to define settings for a test/action parameter, a data table parameter, an environment parameter, or a random number parameter.
To access |
Note: This dialog appears when using a scripted component only for checkpoints. |
Important information |
Relevant tasks | |
See also |
User interface elements are described below:

UI Element |
Description |
Parameter types |
The type of parameter you want to use for the value. You can choose from Test/action parameter, Data Table parameter, Environment, or Random Number. |
Parent action parameters/Test parameters
(test and action parameters only) |
Select this radio button if you want the parameter to take its value from an input parameter. The available radio button option depends on where you are defining the parameter:
Parameter |
Selects a parameter from the list. The read-only list of available parameters contains the names of the currently defined input and output parameters for the action. UFT One versions 2022 and earlier: Only input parameters are available for selection. |
Output from previous action call(s)
Select this radio button if you want the parameter to take its value from an output parameter. You can select from the output parameters of any previous action in the same hierarchical level as the current action, for which output parameters are defined.

UI Elements | Description |
Parameter types |
The type of parameter you want to use for the value. Make sure that Data Table is selected. |
Name / Column Name |
The name of the parameter to use. This is the name of the column in the data table. The following options are available:
Location in Data Table |
For details, see Data table parameters. |
Add constant text to the parameter value |
Optionally, add constant strings that the checkpoint verifies as a Prefix and/or Suffix of the varying value. |
Regular expression |
Enables you to set the value of the parameter as a regular expression. Note: This option is available only when parameterizing checkpoint and object property values. |
Use Data Table formula |
Enables you to use formulas predefined in the Data Table. For details on setting formulas, see Formulas in data tables. For checkpoints, UFT One inserts two columns in the Data pane. The first column contains a formula that checks the validity of the output in the second column. UFT One uses the data in the output column to compute the formula, and inserts a value of TRUE or FALSE in the table cell of the formula column. |

UI Elements |
Description |
Parameter types |
The type of parameter you want to use for the value. Make sure that Environment is selected. |
Name |
The name of the parameter. For an internal user-defined environment variable parameter, you can create a new parameter by using the default parameter name or entering a new, descriptive name. Alternatively, you can select an existing internal user-defined environment variable parameter from the list.
Value |
Specifies the value of the parameter. You can enter the value for a new user-defined internal parameter, or modify the value for an existing user-defined internal parameter. External and built-in environment variable parameter values cannot be modified in this dialog box. If the entire value of a selected environment variable parameter cannot be displayed in the Value box, it is shown as [complex value]. For example, the value of a list's all items property is a multi-line value, where each line contains the value of an item in the list. |
Type |
The type of environment variable parameter (read-only):
Regular expression |
The value of the parameter as a regular expression. This option is available only when parameterizing a checkpoint or object property text string value, and the selected environment variable parameter type is internal user-defined. For details on regular expressions, see Regular expressions. |

UI Elements |
Description |
Parameter types |
The type of parameter you want to use for the value. Make sure that Random Number is selected. |
Numeric range |
The range from which the random number is generated. You can modify the range by entering different values in the From and To boxes. Default range: 0 to 100 Minimum From value: 0 Maximum To value: 2147483647 |
Name |
The name of your parameter. Assigning a name to a random parameter enables you to use the same parameter several times in your test. You can select an existing named parameter or create a new named parameter by entering a new, descriptive name. |
Generate new random number |
The generation timing for a named random parameter. This box is enabled when you select the Name check box. You can select one of the following options: