Canvas User Interface (API Testing)

Relevant for: API testing only

The canvas provides a visual representation of the test flow. In an API test or component, click the test tab to view the canvas.

In this topic:

Manage your test flow display

Your test is shown as a flow chart, including any parameter details available.

Click to show or hide the test flow minimap, a small high-level view of your entire test. This minimap is useful when using large flows and/or small screens.

Note: When you zoom out of the canvas, the area displayed in the canvas becomes larger.

This has the effect of shrinking the test flow image in the minimap because the minimap displays the entire test flow.

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Manipulate API steps

Manipulate steps by dragging them to reorder, copying and pasting, or deleting. Use the Run Step command to run individual steps, one at a time.

Additionally, add the following sorts of special steps:

Loop steps Define loop step details in the Properties pane.
Two-branched conditional steps Add activities as part of the conditional branches.
Break steps Add break steps to move the test run to the step after a loop.
Continue steps Add continue steps to start the next iteration.

Note: After copying an activity, right-click the arrow to view the paste option.

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Zoom in or out of the test flow image

Use the zoom slider to zoom in or out of your test flow image as follows:

Click the magnifying glass with the plus sign to zoom in on (enlarge) the test flow image.

Click the magnifying glass with the minus sign to zoom out of (shrink) the test flow image.

<Return to default size>. Returns the test flow image to the default size and the zoom slider position to the center.

Click and drag the zoom slider position handle left or right to zoom in or out of the test flow image.

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Define parameter level

Click Show parameters to select the level of information shown in the canvas, as follows:

None Shows only the number of input and output properties, adjacent to each step or action frame. Clicking the number shows the property names.
All Displays the names of all the input and output properties and their links, with the total number of properties.
Links only

Displays only the links to other steps in the flow, and the number of properties.

Tip: Click a number to display properties for the step.

Links and names
  • Displays the links to other steps, the name of the linked properties, and the number of properties.
  • Custom
  • Indicates that the Show parameters settings for some of the steps were modified manually and not via the drop down. This entry is not selectable.
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