Addin files

Relevant for: API testing only

The addin file provides the references for the activity you are defining. The file is in XML format and contains information such as activity names, dependencies, and runtime DLLs.

The addin file should be located in the installation directory under the addins\CustomerAddins\<addin_name> folder, together with the signature file. The addin file must have an .addin extension.

This topic describes the sections that must be included in each addin file.

Addin section

Element Description

The basic details about the section, including any of the following attributes:

  • name. the name of the addin.

  • author. the creator of the activity.

  • copyright. the full path of a text file with the copyright information.

  • description. a textual description of the activity.

  • version. The addin file version, set to 1.0.


Details about the location of the activity, including any of the following attributes:

  • name. The logical path scanned by the framework, to identify addins. The physical location of this folder is addins\CustomerAddins\<addin_name>

Activity (sub-element of the Path attribute)

Additional information about the activity, including any of the following attributes:

  • id. An identifying string corresponding to the ID in the signature file.

  • displayName. The activity's display name in the Toolbox pane.

  • signatureFile. The name of the XML signature file.

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Manifest section

Element Description

Basic details about the addin, including any of the following attributes:

  • name. The activity name corresponding to the ID in the signature file. When referring to this addin as a dependency, use this name.


The activity on which the current activity is dependent, including any of the following attributes:

  • addin. The identity name of the dependent activity, from the name attribute in the Manifest section of its addin file.

  • requirePreload. A boolean value indicating whether to preload the dependent addin before loading the current one.

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Runtime section

Element Description

An assembly to import when running the activity.

You can use the assembly, which is the name of an assembly. Use the DLL name without the DLL extension.

To import an addin from another activity, precede the addin name with a colon.For example, :HP.ST.Fwk.DesignerModel imports the DesignerModel addin.

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Sample addin file

The following example shows the ReportMessageActivitySample.addin file. For multiple activities, use unique Addin files.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddIn name        = "HP Report Message Activity Sample"
    author      = "John Doe"
    copyright   = "C:\Copyrights\copyright.txt"
    description = "Extensibility Sample - Report Message Activity"
    <!--<Must be unique -->
    <Identity name = "ReportMessageActivitySample"/>
    <Import assembly=":HP.ST.Fwk.DesignerModel"/>
<Path name = "/ST/Activities">
    <!--Misc Activities -->
    <Activity id    = "ReportMessageActivitySample"
         displayName   = "ReportMessageSample"
         signatureFile = "ReportMessageActivitySample.xml"

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