Usage Data Collector pane

In this pane, you can allow UFT One to send anonymous feedback to OpenText about your UFT One usage, as part of the UFT One improvement program. The data you provide helps us understand which improvements matter most.

UFT One improvement program

By default, usage data collection is enabled. You can turn off usage data collection manually during installation, or afterward from the UFT One Options dialog box.

If you choose to participate in the UFT One improvement program, UFT One collects anonymous information about your software and hardware configuration, and how you use UFT One.

UFT One will not collect the following:

  • Your name, address, or any other personally identifiable information
  • Specific information about your environment, servers, or applications
  • The code from any of your scripts

Note: Participating in this program will not degrade the performance of your software, and will not add you to contact lists for any sales offers.

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Enable usage data collection

Enable UFT One to provide data about your product use to help us understand which improvements matter most.

To enable usage data collection:

  1. In UFT One, select Tools > Options > General > Usage Data Collector.

  2. Select Yes! I want to help...

To stop sending usage data, select No, I do not want to participate....

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See also: