Run your test and analyze results

This exercise describes how to run your AI-based test on the Advantage Online Shopping site, and view results afterwards.

In this topic:

Log out of the Advantage Online Shopping site

The test you created in this tutorial starts by logging in to the site. Therefore, prepare your environment by logging out before you run your test.

Caution: Before you sign out, remove all items from the shopping cart, to prevent duplication in future exercises.

On the Advantage Online Shopping site, click the USER menu at the top right, and then click Sign Out.

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Define your Record and Run Settings

Define the OpenText Functional Testing Record and Run Settings to automatically open the Advantage Online Shopping site when your test begins.

To instruct OpenText Functional Testing to open the Advantage Online Shopping site::

  1. In OpenText Functional Testing, select Record > Record and Run Settings.

  2. On the Web tab, select Open the following when recording or running:

  3. From the Use dropdown, select Local Browser.

  4. In the URL field, ensure that the following URL appears:

  5. In the Browser dropdown, select Google Chrome.

  6. Select both of the following checkboxes:

    • Do not record and run on open browsers
    • Close the browser when the test closes
  7. Click OK to close the dialog, and save your test.

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Run your test and analyze the results

Run your test to verify that the Advantage Online Shopping site behaves as expected, according to the steps you created in your test.

In the OpenText Functional Testing toolbar, click Run. In the Run dialog that's displayed, keep the default run results location, and click Run.

OpenText Functional Testing is minimized. A new Chrome browser is opened, and OpenText Functional Testing starts running through the steps in your test. You can watch as OpenText Functional Testing highlights objects, clicks links, and populates the fields as you'd instructed.

When the test run completes, OpenText Functional Testing displays your run results. Browse through each step to view the actions performed, and the AI object properties identified.

For example:

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Where do you go from here?

Use the basic skills you learned in this tutorial to start analyzing your own web application and creating an AI-based test to verify you user flows.

  • Record actions and add AI steps using the AI Object Inspection window.

  • Learn about additional AI Object Detection features, such as creating an AI-based test for a mockup application. For details, see AI-based testing.

  • Find out more about AI-based testing in OpenText Functional Testing. For details, see:

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