Manage custom Web event recording configurations

This task describes the different ways you can define, modify, export, and reset custom Web event recording configurations.

Add objects to the HTML Tag Objects list

  1. In the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box (Record > Web Event Recording Configuration), select Object > Add. A New Object object is displayed in the HTML Tag Objects list.

  2. Click New Object cell and enter the exact HTML Tag name.

    By default the new object is set to listen and record onclick events with handlers attached.

    Load additional objects by importing an event configuration file (saved with an .xml extension). In the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box, select File > Load Configuration and locate the .xml file you need.

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Load a custom configuration from an XML file

  1. Select File > Load Configuration. The Open dialog box opens.

  2. Locate the event configuration file (.xml) that you want to load and click Open. The dialog box closes and the selected configuration is loaded.

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Modify a custom configuration file manually

Open the .xml file that you saved in any text editor, and modify the file according to your needs. To enable OpenText Functional Testing to recognize the modifications that you made, the .xml file must keep its original structure. For details on the XML file structure, see Web Event Recording Configuration XML Files.

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Reset configuration settings to pre-configured basic levels

  • From the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box. In the Reset to box, select the predefined event recording level you want, and click Reset. All event settings are restored to the defaults for the level you selected.

  • From the Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box. Reset basic level configuration settings by selecting Default Settings. The configuration slider is displayed again, and all event settings are restored to the Basic event recording configuration level.

Note: When you choose to reset predefined settings, your custom settings are cleared completely. If you do not want to lose your changes, make sure to save your settings in an event configuration file.

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