Open GUI Test from Solution Manager Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to open a GUI test from the Solution Manager database.

To access
  1. Make sure that the computer is connected to Solution Manager.
  2. Make sure that OpenText Functional Testing is open with the SAP Solutions Add-in loaded.
  3. In OpenText Functional Testing, select File > Open > Test.
Relevant tasks

Solution Manager in Standalone Mode

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements Description
Test name

The name of the test you want to open.

When the Open GUI Test from Solution Manager dialog box opens, it displays the most recently opened Solution Manager test in the Test name box.

You can enter a valid test name or select one from the list of recently opened Solution Manager tests. Do not specify a folder path or other location.

Test version

The version number of the test you want to open.

Open in read-only mode

Opens the test in read-only mode. You can run the test and save the results, but you cannot modify the test or any external resources associated with the test.

File System

Enables you to open a test from anywhere in the file system.