Save External File to Solution Manager Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to save a GUI test's resource files directly to Solution Manager.

To access
  1. Make sure that the computer is connected to Solution Manager.

  2. Make sure that OpenText Functional Testing is open with the SAP Solutions Add-in loaded.

    This step is optional for standalone mode.

  3. In OpenText Functional Testing, display the file and select Tools > Save As.

Relevant tasks

Solution Manager in Standalone Mode

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements Description
File name

The name under which to store the file in Solution Manager. Ensure that the file name begins with a prefix that matches your Solution Manager server naming conventions. For example, you may have to prefix all file names with the letter z.

When the Save External File to Solution Manager dialog box opens, it displays the default file prefix in the Solution Manager name box. You can define or modify this prefix in the SAP Solution Manager pane of the Options dialog box.

File version

The version number of the file. The version number can be any number that you choose. For example, each time you open and modify a file, you can increment the version number by 1, instead of overwriting the existing version of the file if you want to keep a record of all versions of a file. The file name and version number together form a unique ID for the file.