Mobile Add-in

The Mobile Add-in supports the following types of testing:

  • Basic mobile testing

    This refers to testing on mobile devices connected directly to the OpenText Functional Testing computer. To support this functionality, you install a program on the OpenText Functional Testing computer that acts as a local device connector.

  • Advanced mobile testing

    The Mobile Add-in uses OpenText Functional Testing Lab to perform advanced mobile testing.

    Connect to OpenText Functional Testing Lab to access available mobile devices. Then, use the Mobile Add-in to create and run functional tests for mobile apps on connected devices.

To test applications on a mobile device, you must perform a number of tasks.

Task Relevant topic
Setup for mobile testing

Set up basic mobile testing or Set up advanced mobile testing

Record a mobile test Record Mobile tests
Edit a mobile test Edit Mobile tests
Run a mobile test Run Mobile tests

Description properties supported for mobile testing

When testing mobile devices, only a subset of the description properties available for test objects are supported.

For details about supported properties, see the Description Properties topic in the OpenText Functional Testing Object Model Reference for each relevant Mobile or Web test object.

See also: